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I wake up in my bedroom not remembering how I got home. I look around and see kens passed out on the floor next to my bed. I was still tired so i went back to sleep.

Phoenix's POV

She beat me she fucking beat me. That girl is extremely hot now. I stop at the finish line and everyone is crowding her. She looks a bit overwhelmed. I look to Sky and tell him to take her out of the crowed he nods.

I look around and see my ex. Fuck, i hide in the crowd and she doesn't notice thank god. Next thing I know is Sky is holding Serra. Kens and her Bf? came out of the circle with her. It takes me a few minutes before I realize what is happening. I grabbed the car and they put her in the car.

"I'll grab her bike I'm the only one who knows how to work it." The random boy says. I start going twords my house. I look back at her. She looks almost peaceful. I hope she's ok. No matter how many times i race her shd always knew the shortcuts. I know she has problems. I want to fix her i really do. I see the flashing lights that are so familiar. I pull over and get ready to grab my license and registration. The cop knocks on the window. "You know you where speeding right?"

"Sorry sir. My girl back there passed out at a party so I'm trying to get her home."

"Well be careful. I need your license and registration please." I hand him the paperwork. He walks to his car. Kendall looks at me weird. She knows my secret. I don't want Serra to know. She taps my shoulder. "Huh."

"She won't know until your ready to tell her. Look be careful around her." I nod and the police officer comes over and hands me back everything.

"Be careful on the roads please. Get your girl home before her mama finds out. I'm letting you off with a warning. " I nod and put everything in my center console. I go and decide to do the speed limit to get her home.

I pull in my drive way and carry her to her room. Ik she didn't drink anything. Kendall follows behind me. All the lights are off and i quietly sneek her up to the bedroom. I lay her down and smell her breath to see if she got drugged. She wasn't. The random boy pulls in to the driveway. I go and jump the balcony to my balcony. They'll never know what happened.

I wake up the next morning to 16 missed calls from Sky... Shit I left him at the race. I should call him back. I guess it was so chaotic i forgot. I call him and go grab him.

"What The fuck dude. You just left me there. "
"Oh shush. I had to help serra."
"You mean your angel." I wanted to punch him right then and there but instead i just continue to drive.
"So when are you going to tell her about the gang."
"I'm not going to." He looked a bit surprised but stopped at that.

I pulled into the driveway, got out and slammed the door. I text Kendall to get her ass over to my house. A few minutes later I see her sneak out. She climbs up to my balcony.

"Kendall, I need to know how serra is doing." I say extremely worried.
"She's resting up. I think her anxiety kicked up that's all." She says calmly.
"How did you know about my secret?" I ask remembering last night.
"My brother tells me everything. I know your in a gang. I know your in love with serra. You know if you want to talk to her you gotta sit at our table." I nod in her direction and sky storms in. He takes one look and backs away slowly. By the time I go to talk to Kendall again she's already back at Serra's place.

Thanks alot sky. Your getting your ass beat tomorrow or tonight. "Get ready we have a party to crash." He nods and we get ready to go.

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