Chapter 18

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Six years old
Cody's POV
My teeth bared ready to fight the rouges as the shift into their grey wolves. They bared their teeth and charged all at once, I jumped over them and turned around before jumping on the back of of the dark grey one and biting into his neck and killing him before tackling a light grey rouge to the ground and clamping my jaws around his neck and the metallic taste of blood filled my mouth as I killed him and howled which cause a chain reaction in the pack as well as roaring dragons. I then turned to the last wolf and no doubt blood was dripping from my mouth as I snarled and prepared to attack but he made no attempt to move. As I walked towards him he lay on his belly tucked his tail under his belly and pressed his ears to his head and whimpered then I realised he was an omega just following orders so I stopped snarling and lost all my rage.

I licked my muzzle clean of blood before walking over to him and lying down keeping my Alpha posture and nudging him and he opens his eyes and looks at me really confused. I shifted and grabbed two pairs of shorts and put some on and the omega rouge shifted and put on the other pair of shorts. "Why didn't you kill me Alpha," He asked fearfully. "I didn't kill you because I see your an omega just following orders which is why your wolf is slightly smaller than average so what's your name" I replied. "Thank you for sparing my life Alpha my name is Felix," he said. "You and two others are joining this pack along with five pups," I said and his eyes took on a shade of fear. "Do not worry omega are respected here and if not those who don't are punished?" I said and I saw the tension leave his body.

"Follow me to the packhouse and stay close," I said to him and we walked to the packhouse where we were greeted by Alpha Connor and Jaxon who looked confused before I told them this rouge was an omega just following orders and he was to join as well as Angel, Jaxon and Angels pups. We walked up to my office where Alex was waiting along with John and they were both on high alert as I walked in. "Alpha Cody the joining ceremony has been set up and we are waiting for your arrival," said Alex. "Thank were coming," I said and walked towards the arena where we hold the joining ceremony. When I got there I directed Alpha Connor to sit down and I led Jaxon and Felix to where Angel was standing and the pups had all been put in cribs.

I stood on the podium and looked around almost all the pack was here apart from the patrols and guards. "I have called you all here today to be present at the joining of eight new members," I said loudly so it would reach the back of the hall. "I would like to welcome Angel Ray to our pack, her rank will be a Nannie stationed near the nursery," I said giving her a vile and she drank it and automatically she didn't smell like a rouge anymore but a pack member. "I also would like to welcome her five pups, Jacob, Noah, Cyrus, Pearl and Ruth Ray" I said and they didn't have to drink the elixir because they aren't rouges yet, the elixir is a mix of mine, Chase's and Leon's blood which when drunk in this ceremony makes wolves ordained as pack members. "I would now like to welcome Jaxon Evans to the pack and his role will be a warrior," I said and he drunk his vile and his scent changed to a packmate. "Finally I would like to welcome Felix Franklin his role is an omega," I said and he drunk his vile before his scent changed to a pack member.

"The rules of this pack are simple but strict when you meet your mate you are not to reject them because in this pack whoever does is given three choices life imprisonment, fight for life and becoming rouge. Every pack member is to be treated with respect and Omega are to be loved and cherished and those not respecting them will have the same choices as rejecting mates. Mine and my brothers' mate is a Dragon shifter who is the leader of his clan we merged the two species and we have been living harmoniously for six years so they are pack too and we are part of the clan so there is no discrimination of any kind as both species will be treated equally. So with that I end this ceremony and wish everyone all the best in what you pursue" I said which ended the ceremony and people started leaving, I asked one of the pack members to assign rooms to our new members and I turned towards Chase who was with Jupiter, Connor, Leon and our pups as well as Connors and Jupiters pups.

"Oh ah no not now he's due next week" shrieked Jupiter as she fell to her knees clutching her stomach. "I'm taking her to the infirmary feel free to follow and take care of our other pups," Connor said picking up Jupiter and running towards the infirmary leaving their pups with us. "Is mama gonna be okay" cried Ethan with tears in his eyes. "Yes your little brother just decided to come early so when you next see your mama she will have your little brother with her," I said softly. "Mama will be fine Ethan it's was the same when you were born mama went into the infirmary and came out with a baby" said Charlotte as she hugged her little brother as their sisters joined them and soon all ten of our six-year-olds were hugging the siblings it was so cute I had to take a picture so I did and saved it to my phone. "Come, everyone, we're going to the waiting room in the infirmary," I said and we headed towards the infirmary and sat in the waiting room. Soon after there was a scream and a cry before Dr Sims opened the door "could the pups of Alpha Connor and Alpha Jupiter come here please" she said and the four pups quickly ran into the room and we let the family be until Ethan invited us in to see Jupiter on the bed holding her newborn son whose name is Joseph Fennik.

The rest of that week went by swimmingly with the new pack members settling in nicely and the Fenniks helped us with training and we are all now on first name bases with them and I can see our pups as life long friends.

Omega Twins and dragon shifter mate (Royal Werewolf series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now