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Maya's P.O.V. again because something happens right after she talks to Lucas.

Maya P.O.V.

I left the school after talking to Lucas.

I decided to go over to the Matthews.

It was family game night!

Those nights are always fun. Just me, Riles, and the family.

Open the door

Oh great.

Looks like it's also friends game night.

Lucas and Farkle were sitting on the couch when I walked in.

Lucas was all close to Riley.

It hurts, but I can't say anything now.

I wouldn't do that to my best friend. They deserve each other.

2 hours later

We were playing the Friends game.

Mr.Matthews finally bought the Friends game because of the last game night we had.

It was just like the Family game, except with friends I guess.

It was mine and Farkle's turn. 

But we were interrupted by Auggie and none other than.......


M- "Uncle Boing!"

I went up to hug him. This time he hugged back.

That was new.

J- "Maya! I haven't seen you in so long!"

C- "My brotha!"

J- "My brotha."

L- "Farkle and Maya it's still your turn." annoyed

What was his problem?

J- "Can I join in?"

Uh yeah. You can be on my team.

L- "Sorry but we already have teams."

M- "I don't think Farkle would mind playing with Auggie right?"

I looked at him pointing his Josh. He got the hint.

F- "Right. Then Josh can be with Maya."

J- "You and me Maya?"

Yes! Yes! Of course!

M- "You and me."

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