My Moment(ski lodge)

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Lucas P.O.V.

The ski lift.

That's the only place I haven't looked.

She has to be there.

walks over to ski lift

I see her!

Oh no, she's going back up!

I have to get to her.

I decide to get on the ski lift going up.

She's so far away....ugh what am I gonna do?

I know this probably isn't the best idea, but i decide to climb over the seats until I reach Maya.

It could result in me falling, but she's worth it.

If I do I can say that I fell for her.

Get it?

Hehehe I'm so funny.

I finally reach the seat behind Maya's.

But I notice there is no room for me.

All of them notice me, except Maya.

Perfect, I'll surprise her!

Riley, Farkle, and Zay must know what I'm gonna do because once we reach the top they get off the skii lift.

Maya was confused and tried to get off as well, but they pushed her back on.

This is the moment I've been waiting for, my moment.

I jump onto the seat in front of me, where Maya is sitting.

Maya P.O.V.



Did he just climb over all of the seats just to get me?!

Don't me wrong it's really sweet, but he could've gotten hurt!

M-"Are you crazy?!"

L-"laughs Your just now realizing this?"

Is he trying to be funny?

This is no time for jokes.

M-"You could have gotten hurt! What do you think that would've done to the people who care about you?"

L-"Wow, you actually finished the sentence this time! I'm guessing your one of those people who cares about me."

Is he oblivious?

Of course I am!

M-"Well duh, I do love you."

I do, a lot.

L-"And I love you. grabs Maya's hand"

Man, I really want to kiss him, again.

L-"You want to kiss, me don't you?"

How did he know?


I'm playing hard to get.

L-"Really? Because I think you want to kiss me as much as I want to kiss you."

He wants to kiss me? Well of course he does. Who wouldn't want to kiss this?

M-"Well your wrong Ranger Rick."

He's actually right. But I can't let him know that.

L-"leans in closer No, I think I'm right."

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