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Hey guys! Please don't hate me for that ending. But you saw it coming. Now just wait for the next chapter. I'm thinking it will be a chapter only involving Josh and Lucas. What do you guys think? I hope you guys liked this chapter! Lucaya finally admitted their feeling for each other. But it's not gonna be that easy. Sorry guys, but if it was then it would be boring. We all know that the endgame couples don't get together right away. They always get together at the very last moment. That's when you know the story is over. But wait, will lucaya be endgame? Hmm I don't know. Anything is poosible. I hope you guys also liked Zay in there. He's the biggest lucaya shipper out there. So I knew I had to make him a part of the big moment. And it added comic relief. The way he popped out of nowhere lol. I personally thought it was funny, I don't know about you guys. And I thank everyone of you for reading, and those who continue to read. I just write this stuff for fun. But it's great to know people are actually seeing something you write yourself. I also thank everyone who has voted for my story several times. You all know who you are. I love all of you so much! Your the reason I keep writing, and I love it! Like I always say, this story is farrrrr from over. It's just the beginning. So keep reading, if you want. You don't have to. 

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