It matters

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Riley and Maya at the Bay window
Maya is silent, staring at the wall.
Maya comes out of her daze and looks at Riley.
M-"Yeah Riles."
Riley starts to get tears in her eyes.
R-"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said any of that."
M-"You have nothing to apologize for. You were just being a good friend. You told me the truth."
Maya realizes something.
R-"What is it?"
Maya stops,doesn't finish her sentence.
R-"What about him?"
M-"Do you still like him?"
Maya looks at Riley, sad waiting for her answer.
Riley is silent, looking at the floor.
R-"It doesn't matter."
M-"It does. It always matters!"
Riley is silent before answering.
R-"Yes. Yes I do."
M-"So, no Farkle?"
R-"No. Yes. Maybe. I don't know!"
Maya chuckles.
M-"Well I was wrong. I don't like Lucas like that. I was just.... Protecting you? Yeah."
R-"What? Why would you do that?"
M-"To make sure he's the right guy for you."
R-"So you don't --"
M-"No. I don't like him."

Lucas and Maya at Maya's house in the living room
L-"You don't like me?"
Maya is silent.
M-"No. I'm sorry."
Lucas starts to get mad.
He stands up.
L-"Then why did you go out with me? Did you ever even love me?!"
M-"Yes. I always have..... But not that way. I thought I did, but I was just confused. I was protecting Riley."
Lucas is silent and sits back down.
Maya keeps looking down at the floor, not knowing what else to say.
L-"So.... What now?"
M-" I think... We should break up."
Lucas nods with a sad look on his face.
L-"If that's what you want."
M-"It is. And I also want you to tell Riley you love her."
M-"Or like, whatever."
Lucas chuckles.
M-"I'm sorry."
L-"It's ok."
Maya and Lucas hug, deeply with feeling.
M-"Now go get your girl."
Lucas nods and then leaves, sad.
M-"I hope I did the right thing."

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