Tagged(Not update)

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Hey guys! So I got tagged by Riptiderox to answer some questions. I have never done this before but I thought why not? So thanks for the tag!

1)Where were you born?


2)Youtube or Vine?


3)Logan Lerman or Dylan O'Brien?

Dylan O'Brien (you should've guessed that lol)

4)Blake Shelton or Adam Levine?

Uh how about neither, jk. I guess Adam Levine

5)Favorite color?


6)Zodiac Sign?


7)How do you want to die?

Uhhh.....peacefully with no pain i guess

8)Favorite song?

Right now it's......Too Young by Sabrina Carpenter (video above) I'ts a really pretty song guys. You should listen to it.

9)Favorite Band /Singer?

Hmmmm...probably Shawn Mendes

10)Favortie show?

Teen Wolf (sorry GMW fans)

11)Lucaya or Rucas?

It was Rucas at 1st but now I'm Lucaya for the win!!

12)Favorite month?


13)When was your most uplifting moment?

On stage at recital dancing. I felt the most confident I have ever been. (didn't really know how to answer that one lol)

Now I tag:







Here are your questions guys who I tagged:

1)How old are you?

2)Salty or sweet?

3)Snapchat or instagram?

3)Fave sport?

4)Morning person or night owl?

5)Fave celebrity?

6)Motto of your life?

7)Biggest pet peeve?

8)Fave actor?

9)Fave actress?

10)Fave story on Wattpad?(can be your own)

11)Tomboy or girly girl?

12)Fave ice cream?

13)Fave TV show ship?(doesn't have to be endgame:)

Have fun guys, don't be mad at me. I chose you guys cause you are the people who have left comments and votes for my story. So it's good I chose you. If I didn't choose you don't feel bad. Nothing personal. They were just the first people I saw on my feed/notifications.

So I'm gonna leave with, Thanks guys so much for reading/commenting/voting for my story!!!! It means so much to me! And as long as you guys keep reading, I'll keep writing for ya all. Like I said before, comment any ships you wan to see/see more of. If you noticed in the last chapter I have started to bring Riarkle in the picture;) That's because someone wanted me to, and well I was gonna do it anyway lol. But if you guys tell me something you want to see in the story I will listen. It might take me some time, since my updates are just at random times. But I will listen. So please keep reading and enjoy the roller coaster of emotions that we are all on together!

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