Blonde & Brunette

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Next day, in Mr.Matthews class

Maya P.O.V.

This assignment is going to be the end of me.

Lucas P.O.V.

When Mr.Matthews sees what I wrote, that's it. 

I'm dead.

Riley P.O.V.

My dad is going to kill me after he reads what I wrote.

Farkle P.O.V.

For once in my life. I don't like a school assignment.

Zay P.O.V.

Lucas is probably going to stop being my friend if he ever sees what I wrote.

No one's P.O.V.

Bell rings to signal the beginning of class.

All the students walk in handing in their homework, until Mr.Matthews stops them.

M-"The one time we don't have to turn in our homework I actually do it. Booooooo!"

C-"No Ms.Hart. I didn't have you turn them in because you will be reading them in front of the whole class."


C-"For a grade."


C-"Failure to do so, well you fail."


C-"Lucas will go first."

L-"Noooooooooooo!"(runs out of class)

C-"Get back here, Chuckie."

Lucas walks in, giving up with his head down.

Mr.Matthews gives him his paper.

M-"Relax Ranger Rick, it's just a homework assignment."

R-"Yeah. She's right. What's the worse that could happen?"

Lucas just stands there, looking back and forth at Riley and Maya.

C-"Please begin Mr.Friar."

L-"Word for word?"

C-"Word for word. Exactly how you wrote it."

Lucas takes a big gulp and begins to recite his paper.

L-"Everyone thinks lying is bad. It is. But what's worse? Lying to protect a friend, or telling the truth and hurting your friend? Well, I found the answer. But first I'm going to tell you my experience with the situation and you try to find the answer."

He stops.

C-"Mr. Friar?"

L-"I'm sorry."(to Maya and Riley)

Both girls look at each other, then back at Lucas with wide eyes.

He continues to recite his paper.

L-"When I first moved here, I hated it. New York could not be any more different from Texas. I was used to barns and horses. This place has big buildings and cars. My second day in town I took the subway. I was on my way to school. That was my first day at John Quincy. I was reading a book, just minding my own business. Then, all of a sudden two girls walk on."

Maya and Riley look at each other again, this time with smiles on their faces.

L-"One was tall, with brunette hair. The other was short, with blonde hair. They couldn't be more different. But that's what I liked about them. I couldn't help overhear their conversation when they walked on."

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