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Maya P.O.V.

Goodbye Lucas.

It was nice while it lasted.

Everyone's P.O.V.



C-"I said your up."

M-"Oh, yeah."

She walks up to the front of the class.

M-"Uh before i begin, I want you(looks at Lucas) all to know that this is just a stupid assignment. So whatever I say, it won't change anything."

C-"Maya, can you--"

She interrupts him.

M-"Nothing's gonna change, right?!"

The whole class looks at her confused, except for Lucas.

They all nod, Lucas not taking his eyes off Maya.

She begins to recite her paper.

M-"I'm a girl with no hope. "Hope is for suckers.", that's my motto. Until I met a boy. His name is Lucas Friar."

Maya notices the biggest smile on Lucas's face as she said that.

M-".......He gave me up. He taught me how to believe things I never thought were possible."

Lucas still has a big cheesy smile plastered on his face.

M-"But there was a boy before him."

Lucas's smile fades, Maya notices.

M-"That is Joshua Matthews."

Corey interjects with, "My Brotha!"

The whole class laughs, except for Lucas.

He just sits there quietly, wide eyed waiting Maya to continue.

M-"I call him Uncle Boing. If you look at him you would know why. We dated for a little bit, and it was great."

Lucas starts to frown.

M-"It was a dream come true. I liked him since I was a little girl. Nothing ever happened because we are three years apart in age. That was a big deal to him, until now. I finally got my shot with him. But I ruined it. Lying is never good, I learned that from Mr.Matthews. But I obviously didn't understand it enough because that's exactly what I did. I thought I was protecting his heart from being broken, but my plan failed. He found out the truth and was so angry with me. Your probably wondering what the lie was about. I'll tell you."

She pauses.

C-"Ms. Hart...."

M-(to Lucas)"I'm sorry."

She continues reciting her paper.

M-"A lot of people would say it was the biggest mistake they could ever make. I wish I could say the same. But I can't. Should I have done it? No. Does that mean I regret it? No. The thing I regret is lying to him. No one deserves to have a secret kept from them. He's not the only person I have kept secrets from. I kept some from all my friends, even my best friend. The one person I never wanted to keep a secret from. Lucas, the boy I met, I kept a secret from him. But when I finally told him the truth, I felt so much better. It was like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. The lie that was kept from Josh had to do with Lucas."

Everyone looks at Lucas.

He slumps down in his seat, embarrassed.

M-"I cheated on Josh with Lucas."

The whole class got silent, all looking at Lucas including Mr.Matthews who had his mouth open in shock.

M-"It wasn't a mistake. But I hurt my, at the time boyfriend and my best friend. I never wanted too. But that's what happens when you lie. Tell the truth, always. It will help you in the long run. It's always the best option. I wish I had chosen that path. But I didn't, and I finally learned my lesson. What you have to realize is when you lie, you are hurting the people you love more than you think. But when you tell the truth, you are protecting them from the heartbreak that are caused by lies. Thank you."

The whole class stays silent, all eyes still on Lucas. Mr.Matthews mouth is still open, not knowing what to say.

As Maya finishes, Lucas gets up and leaves the classroom.

Maya follows him.

C-"Hoover Dam!"

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