Chapter 48: Hard Facts

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Author's note: Hi guys. Just thought I'd drop into this one to say some crap. First off, a huge thanks and a huge sorry to everyone who has been messaging me and encouraging me and I've either taken 8 years to reply or not replied at all. I am so busy in my real life, and have 800 things going on at any given time, that I am too overwhelmed to reply to stuff sometimes. I don't mean to be a snob or ungrateful. I wish I had all the time in the world and could spend more of it in the Wattpad world, but alas, such is not life right now. :( I just like to write because it gives me a break from reality for a few hours here and there and I can de-stress in that time and think about something fun for a change. This story began as a collab with __highflying, who valiantly carried on her part in my absence. I'm yet to read the second half of her story, but I'm going to start it tonight and I know that it'll be awesome. I cannot WAIT to find out how her side of the story goes and I'm just a little bit curious what my wonderful Evan got up to in her world. If you haven't read her stuff yet you should. There ain't a huge amount of F1 stuff on Wattpad to choose from, but she is easily one of the best. I also love Twentysomething's stories - she makes me laugh and that is such a great thing to be able to do for your readers. So give them both a try if you haven't already. I am really sorry to everyone who I left in the lurch when real life got in the way, especially __highflying, and everyone else who was waiting so long for updates and stuck with it anyway. Thanks for your messages and votes and comments. They are a joy to read, even if I don't get the chance to write back as much as I'd like too. As you can see I'm updating again. Who knows if we'll get to the end of the story on this round - but I'm hoping so. I already have the very beginnings of a new story written up which I'm quietly excited about, so hopefully I get to post that someday soon too. On another note, I'm officially out of pre-written chapters for Lifeline. So this shit is all coming to me on the fly. I literally have no idea what's going to happen next until I'm sitting here staring blankly at the wall above my computer running through scenarios in my brain. I wish I could pretend I was more sophisticated than this... but uh, I'm clearly not. So sorry if this stuff comes across as unplanned, rushed, nonsensical, or poorly thought out. Whichever one you think, it's highly likely you are correct lol. And I figure if you're still reading by now, you're cool with that anyway cause let's be honest that's pretty much how most of my stuff gets written. So, if you like the story, and you have a minute or two now and then, please keep leaving me feedback, I love to read it. It is one of my favourite parts of the day to check your comments. :) I hope you enjoy this next chapter.


Five minutes later, Tully found herself in the passenger seat of a dark blue Infiniti coupe as it flew down the freeway. Seb's eyes flickered between the road ahead and his phone resting in the dash cradle as he navigated to Heikki's name and selected it.

The dialtone emanated around the car harshly as it rang through on loudspeaker.

"Is she okay?" Heikki answered.

"Yeah. We're in the car."

"She's in there with you?"

"Yep. Listen, we're uh, going away for a bit."


"Don't really know when we'll be back but-"

"Wait, she's going somewhere with you?"

Seb glanced in his rear-view mirror and pressed down on the accelerator, just incase Heikki got any ideas about pursuing them, "Uh, yes. So, Tully's going to be fine. Just wanted you to know. Hey, I'm losing reception." Lie.

"How far away are you going? What do you mean exactly?"

"I'll call you again soon alright. Just know she's with me and she's safe."

Lifeline (Sebastian Vettel)Where stories live. Discover now