Chapter Ten- The Prince Of Thornwood (Part I)

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Chapter Ten  “The Prince Of Thornwood” (Part I)

“You must be Arabella Adams!” declared the teacher who stood at the end of the whiteboard, her hands clasped at her front and her brows raised in surprise. “Welcome to Thornwood Academy… Come on in” she murmured kindly.

With weak knees and trembling hands I stumbled across the front of the classroom towards the beckoning smile of the teacher, painfully aware of the whole class’s eyes and whispers that trailed my every step.

“Class!” the teacher announced, “This is Arabella Adams who will be your new classmate please make her feel welcome!” Then she turned towards me and flashed me an amicable smile, “Hello Miss. Adams, I am Mrs. Hurst, your French teacher. Je suis votre professeure de francai!”

Enchante madame” I murmured back in French, not able to make eye contact so resolutely staring at her collar instead.

Wait a second!

When, in the name of strawberry cheesecakes, did I learn to speak French?

Mrs. Hurst who was earlier just politely welcoming, now beamed towards me as though I was her long lost twin sister.

“Ooh! Your pronunciations…” she declared, “C’est Parfait! Etes-vous francaise? Ou avez-vous habitee en France?

Am I French she asks?

I was seriously beginning to doubt the truth…

“No ma’am. I’m not French and I don’t think I’ve ever been to France…” I replied back.

But instead it sounded somewhat like this.

Non madame. Je ne suis pas francaise et Je ne pense pas que je n'ai jamais visitee la France…

I bit my tongue hard. Where was this coming from?

Mrs. Hurst stared back at me with skeptical eyes as she twirled the pearls stringed round her throat pensively “Are you sure? Cause you speak fluently like a native” she said in French.

I shook my head in refusal.

“Of course”, she continued in French, “ then you must have studied French before with a native?”

“No” I exclaimed honestly, “I’ve never in my life studied French before!” I replied back. In French.

Mrs. Hurst narrowed her eyes as in to say ‘Who’re you kidding kid?’

I laughed nervously as I chirped, “I’m just pulling your leg!” Of course I said this in French.

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