« Prologue »

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« Marlene's POV »

I sigh in relief. I'm on the train, I'm safe, I didn't somehow accidentally stab anyone, and I didn't forget a single notebook. Thank god. Or. You know. Whatever's out there.

I'm so nervous. I don't want to go to a new place; I barely feel capable of speaking to the waiter at a restaurant, let alone going to Hogwarts, the school that about a fourth of all the witches and wizards in the world flock to.

I run my hands through my lengthy dark brown hair nervously. Will I be able to meet a friend, or just remain alone as usual?

Just as the thought flits into my mind, a pretty redhead taps on the door to the train compartment that I'm seated in. Sliding the door open, she introduces herself in a friendly tone. "Hello, I'm Lily Evans! Great to meet you, is it alright if I sit here?" She appears very outgoing, which puts me at ease. I love when I'm not constantly on the spot, scrambling for an interesting topic of conversation whilst speaking to people. Outgoing people are my favourite solution to the problem, though of course I can relate to them less than anyone else.

"Hi, Lily Evans, it's nice to, uh, meet you! Um, I'm Marley McKinnon – technically Marlene, but no one calls me that. Feel free to sit down!" I say, attempting to relax myself and admitting that I won't be able to within the span of two seconds.

"Marley...that's a lovely nickname! But may I call you Marie instead? It's just, I prefer to have unique nicknames for my friends," Lily replies thoughtfully, her green eyes glancing at me with hope obvious in them.

Meanwhile, I'm overwhelmed. She called me her friend! We barely know each other and I've already been declared worthy of friendship! Victory!!

I made a friend!

"Y – yes, of course!" I stammer excitedly. I make another effort to calm myself, this time succeeding. "Only if I can call you Blossom!" I add, teasing her. Blossom is the antagonist in a popular muggle TV show, and since Lily's wearing a muggle band t - shirt, I'm assuming she's a muggle like I am – well, technically I'm only half muggle. And of course, there's also the fact that the names are both related to flowers; that can't really lessen her annoyance.

Her delicate face instantly crumples in agitation and amusement. "Blossom, of all the nerve," she mumbles. Her mouth suddenly curves into a grin. "How do you feel about being called Marlene?" she questions me, smirking, yet wearing an obvious facade of innocence. "I love it," I say quickly, believably.

"So my calling you Marlene wouldn't have any effect on you?" she asks, disbelieving. "Not at all," I lie easily.

"Well, Marlene, regardless of the lies you tell me, we're going to have some fun times together," Lily says, brushing aside my denial and looking excitedly towards the future.


"And that's how I discovered my love of puns," I finish, giggling as I pop the last of Lily's chocolates in my mouth. She's managed to make me feel not frightened at all of social interaction. With her, at least. Is this what friendship is like with everyone, or have I just found an especially amazing friend?

Lily bends over with laughter, nearly howling. I cease my chuckling as I stare at her. "Blossom, my story wasn't that funny," I inform her, smiling nevertheless.

"Excuse me, Marlene, but I beg to differ," she replies, briefly pausing her laughter as she gasps for breath. Rolling my eyes, I begin to respond when a door creaks open and interrupts me. A load of boys bound into our compartment. Four, to be exact.

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