« 3: Disappointed »

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« Marlene's POV »

"Hatred? A strong word? Maybe, but I think I'm perfectly fine using it," I respond to Black.

It looks like he's about to say something, but I turn away. Lily and I each kneel down next to Severus. "I don't forgive you," Lily tells him, "but I still love you." Severus' eyes light up just as Potter gasps at her declaration, which is loud enough for him as well as the surrounding crowd to hear.

"Calm yourself," Lily sighs, expressing herself with the phrase she and I frequently use before adding, "We're just friends." A large amount of enthusiasm leaves Severus' beam, but it still has enough left over to make him appear very happy. Potter seems to gain the enthusiasm his rival has lost, but he quickly loses even that as he recognizes just how pissed Lily is at him.

She gives each Black and Potter a parting glare.

She doesn't grace either Black or Potter with further words as she turns and hurries away, linking an arm with Severus. I follow in her footsteps, taking his arm as well as I wave a mock - cheerful goodbye to Remus and Peter and a middle finger at the other two Marauders. (The latter action causes waves of giggles to surge through the crowd. Their amusement is wiped off of all of their faces, however, as Black gives them each a threatening look.)

When we're an appropriate distance away, Lily and I both turn to Severus. "What happened?" we question in unison. "How did it start??"

"I was walking up to them," he begins succinctly, "I inquired, 'Why did you hex me yesterday?' The one who smirks most hours of the day responded, 'We can't tell you, but we can give you a replay.' The smart one, Remus, I believe, then cringed very visibly. He looked like he wanted to stop what he knew was coming. He was about to say something, before Smirk patted his back in a consoling fashion and murmured, 'Let it happen, Moony.'

"Glasses then grabbed his wand eagerly and cursed me. With my own spell. I attempted to fight it, but Smirk restrained me. The smaller, mousey one mutters confusedly, 'Why do we have to hex him? He didn't do anything, did he?' In a rather snarky tone, Glasses replied, 'His existence is enough for me.' Smirk smirked – what a surprise. They kept..."
Severus trails off at this point, clearly embarrassed. I lean over and give him an impromptu hug before becoming embarrassed myself. "Um, sorry," I murmur, "I just meant to communicate that – well, they're total jackasses, as well as – what do you call them, 'Loss?" "Toe - rags!" my friend chirps.

Severus gives a small grin. The mockery of his mockers, as well as Lily's acceptance of him, seems to brighten his world a little bit. "Again, Li, I am very sorry for calling you...that," he apologizes, remorse clear in his tone.

Lily purses her lips but gives a shrug. "You were under pressure, being bullied; who am I to hold that against you? I can understand you and I may forgive you, though I won't forget this." Severus seems pleasantly surprised with this statement, concealing a beam.

"But Sev," Lily continues, "this brings to light an issue that, honestly, was already in a lot of light. You are being influenced for the worse by your friends; Lucius and Regulus are not good for you. They subscribe to pureblood beliefs that say I shouldn't be granted basic rights."

Severus lets out a sigh. "I'm sorry. It's true. They talk about not accepting muggleborns, but all Slytherins tend to do that. Those two are the most accepting of them all. I need friends in my house!"

Lily looks disbelieving. I can practically hear her next words: How on Earth do you consider them accepting? I speak before she can voice any of her opinions. "Severus, maybe you should be resorted."

Lily lets out an involuntary, loud gasp. Severus and I turn to glance at her. "Sorry, it was a climactic moment,"** she apologetically makes an excuse.

Turning to face me as well as Lily, Severus confides, "If I was sorted back into Slytherin, my housemates would not accept me. They would consider anyone an outsider who wanted to leave their house. Lucius and Regulus are the only ones who would remain loyal friends, but then they, too, would be 'exiled', so to speak."

"What about Gryffindor?" Lily asks with enthusiasm, clearly wishing that her friend could join her house.

"Doubtful. Your housemates are not the most inclusive. And before you can ask, no, I would hardly be placed into Hufflepuff. They're too...warm. And people - loving. That does not quite happen to be my thing."

"You're a Ravenclaw," I point out. "You don't fit in any other house. You're smart. You're good at potions. You're logical. You're creative, even though you try to hide it because you doubt you'll be accepted if you show that you actually like arts and crafts!"

"How do you know that I like arts and crafts?" Severus wonders, his nervousness palpable.

"She's observant," Lily informs him truthfully.

"Ravenclaws also don't mind people regardless of their past. They believe in house unity and will smother their instinctual curiosity to avoid making you uncomfortable," I continue.

Severus gives me a grateful smile. The first smile I've ever seen him give anyone other than Lily, actually.

"But will the Hat listen to me if I ask it to place me in Ravenclaw? This could all go wrong rather easily, just by my being placed in any other house," Severus frets.

I'm hesitant to tell him of my experience with the Sorting Hat. How I begged to be put in Ravenclaw as opposed to the house I ended up in. How that could easily happen to him as well.

"What's that muggle saying? My dad says it sometimes...is it 'bridges get cross when we come to them'?" I murmur thoughtfully.

Lily giggles. "It's 'We'll cross that bridge when we get to it.'"

"But I can't apply that muggle saying to my life!" Severus protests. After a glare is shot his way by Lily, he defends himself, "That is not due to the fact that it's a muggle saying! It just seems silly. The muggle bit doesn't help, though."

Lily directs another glare his way, wordlessly chastising him. "Sorry," Severus says with a laugh. "I'll stop." I smile, happy to know that the often gloomy - looking boy has a cheerful side.

"What I'm trying to say is that maybe you can have a different life."

Severus looks more willing now. "A different life...that's all I ever dreamed of," he says, murmuring it seemingly to himself. Lily gives him an instinctive hug, similar to my previous one. "You can do this, Sev," she encourages.

Severus gives us each a smile. "Maybe you two are right. Maybe I should be resorted."

**That's what she said.


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