« 4: Anxious »

33 4 17

« Marlene's POV »

I can't help but feel a wave of anxiety sweep over me as I recognize that, no matter what occurs right now, I am to be held responsible. Severus stands, hands shaking, at the podium where he will be resorted, and the thought crosses my mind that regardless of what house he ends up in, he has enough bravery to be considered a honorary Gryffindor.

"And the first resorting in many years is undertaken by Severus Snape!" Dumbledore, the school's youthful headmaster, cries out. He gives Severus a pat on the back, as he is rather partial to him. "This boy has the valour displayed in multiple Gryffindors, the intellect shown in the overwhelming majority of Ravenclaws, the quiet kindness seen in many a Hufflepuff, and the unaffected aspirations known to exist in countless Slytherins," Dumbledore says, sounding like a proud father: this happens to be the role he plays often in Severus' life. I don't know much about it, but I've gathered that the boy with raven - coloured hair did not have a cheerful home life. Perhaps Dumbledore does act as a father to Snape...the thought refreshes me, bringing an unexpected amount of positivity into this anxious day.

"This boy will be the death of me!" Dumbledore adds, ruffling Snape's hair with a grin.

All of the houses react differently to the thought of Severus being included in their ranks. The Ravenclaws, whose house has successfully remained my favourite after all these years - though I've become partial to all of them, even and especially Gryffindor - lean forwards curiously, examining Severus in a way that seems neither overly optimistic nor cruelly cold. Most of them fall back into their chairs gently, tapping their chins gently or biting their lips, deep in thought. Many of them give Severus a grin, indicating that they would be pleased to have him, a talented potion - maker and a wise soul, in their house.

The Gryffindors raise their heads and turn away slightly, harrumphing collectively in a way that serves less to humiliate Severus - in my eyes - than it does to make them look silly. I and some other Gryffindors are the only ones who refrain from doing this. But after a few seconds of looking away, the Gryffindors turn back, glancing Severus up and down. Many look somewhat pleased with the result, and a few, like myself, offer him a welcoming beam.

The Hufflepuffs seem worried at having him in their house at first, but then relax slightly as he scans the crowd and gives them a nervous smile. They whisper to each other, seeming to gain excitement. After seeing this, I note, just as I have many times before, that the Hufflepuffs are not very bigoted. They wouldn't act as if they know Severus before they actually do. As long as he seems kind, they will give him a chance.

All of these houses feel encouraged. They know that the Slytherin house was not good enough for this boy, who, admittedly, was a victim of bullying and seemed a bit scrawny, but who was overall handsome, with pale skin (not that the colour of his skin had anything to do with his attractiveness), dark, smooth hair, and lanky muscles. He is mysterious and quiet. He does well in many classes, has the guts to change houses, and is kind to the younger children. Each attribute seems to please the previously named houses respectively.

The Slytherin are a whole different issue. They feel betrayed, or at least, that's what I can easily infer from a glance. The Slytherin house is quite tightly knit (:, and a resorting from that house makes them feel just like you would if someone walked up to you and your friends and shouted that you were a failure. They may not be as expressive as the Hufflepuffs of their feelings, or as logical about proving them as the Ravenclaws, or as brave about showing them as the Gryffindors, but they don't care. They have their own brand of loyalty. A brand of loyalty that I just told Severus Snape to betray a few days ago.

I hate myself.

Severus squirms slightly at the feeling of the Sorting Hat being placed on his head. He looks up at the cap after a few minutes, offended. "Can you all relax with the arts and crafts thing already??" he says, annoyed. I hold back a giggle. "The best house for - no, it's not! I don't share those beliefs. I love the Slytherin house, but there's a line for me, and pureblooded beliefs cross it!" There is a collective gasp from the Slytherin table, mainly coming from a girl who sits there who goes by Bellatrix. She's always had a thing for Severus, but also for pureblooded beliefs. She's a horrid girl, bullying people more frequently and more rudely than even the Marauders.

Despite Bellatrix's antics, many Slytherin seem to be trying to hide their touched expressions at Severus' stating he loves their shared house.

"I want to be in Ravenclaw!" he shouts. Damn it. He really should've just said that in his mind. Dumbledore cringes on his honorary son's behalf.

The touched expressions dissolve quite quickly. His friend Lucius narrows his eyes, clearly feeling betrayed, whereas Severus' friend Regulus gives him, Severus, a sympathetic glance.

The Hat says something that gives him pause.

After a second, he pulls it off, just as it shouts a name.


My eyes meet Severus'. His look purely fearful, making me become thankful that he wasn't resentful towards me. Mine, no doubt, look sad and nervous.

He looks up at the Slytherins. "I guess this house is my home," he tries. The Slytherins shake their heads nearly in unison, looking like angered little children. I, after putting in a great deal of effort, restrain myself from cooing.


I stand nearby Severus, overhearing his conversation with his friends. It's not that I'm eavesdropping, per say, but I do need to hear what happens to him.

"You betrayed us, Severus. I refuse to remain friends with a traitor," Lucius, a tall boy with lengthy blond hair, states coolly.

"A traitor? Isn't that a bit...uh, strong considering what Sev did?" Regulus Black suggests. He looks immensely like his brother, Sirius, but with shorter hair and pale blue eyes as opposed to grey, as well as a less obnoxious aura.

"Yes, Luc, I never meant to betray you," Severus says affectionately, apologetically.

"Do not call me Luc! You do not deserve to do so!" Lucius snaps childishly, making Regulus chuckle behind his friend's back.

I step in, unable to hear any more without taking action. Oh Merlin, I'm about to completely annihilate myself through embarrassment.

"Uh, hi, excuse me, I know none of you know me except Severus, but...uh, see, the thing is, I convinced Severus to attempt to change houses. So, um, it's not his fault," I blurt out.

Regulus looks at me in a reserved, yet not unkind manner for a moment before extending his hand, which I quickly shake. "Regulus Black, nice to meet you."

Lucius gives me a glance as well, rolls his eyes, and offers his hand. "At least you said something. You seem decent. Even though you convinced my friend to do something stupid."

I take up Lucius' hand as well. "Uh, I'm Marley, and it's great to meet you guys too. Listen, my point is that it's all my fault, so don't blame Severus."

Regulus gives me a smile. "Yeah, I get that - it's this weirdo who's throwing a fit." He nudges Lucius.

Lucius gasps. "Weirdo? When will my friends stop betraying me?"

Severus gives him an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, Ci, I really did not mean to hurt your feelings."

"And now you're treating me like a baby!"

"Well, aren't you one?" Regulus asks, an eyebrow quirked, with a smile playing on his lips.

"Could you guys please have a group hug or something so I don't feel eaten up with guilt at night?" I request awkwardly.

Lucius lets out a massive sigh. "Yeah, fine, I guess. If it helps you sleep at night." The friends gather together and pat each other's backs. All of them, behind the others' backs, look relieved and loving of each other, more so than they let on.

Despite his friends' show of support, Severus still seems to be on the receiving end of many glares from his housemates. These housemates do not care that Severus was unhappy; they do not look past what they've been taught to believe. And what they have been taught to believe is: You are either with us, completely, without doubt, or you are our worst enemy.

They have been known to see the world in black and white.

- word count: 1363 -

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