« 5: Friendly »

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« Marlene's POV »

It's been a week since Sev's failed resorting. Since then, Lily and I have been around Sev, Ci, and Reg a great deal; I feel much more comfortable around them now.

Lily is enthusiastic about being around her old friend, as shown by her frequent comments on how she wished they had not drifted apart due to their different house placements.

Lily, Sev, Ci, Reg, and I are different enough to have an interesting time together. However, we all have more in common than we originally thought; we all love making potions, we all considered Ravenclaw a likely house placement, and we all are primarily peaceful, but ready to fight if challenged.

Lily and I have also discovered that Ci and Reg were really only pretending to hold pro - pureblooded ideals. They just wanted to fit in with their family's system of belief. I already pointed out the thought that their entire family might be faking because they think everyone else is interested in it, but they say that's an impossibility. They all act far too dedicated to the idea for it to be an act.

Right now, we are all cushioned on the grass underneath a large tree at the front of Hogwarts. We're discussing different career possibilities. Sev says he longs to become a Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher when he is older, whereas Lily wishes to become an Auror and fight evil.

"I could also be a Potions teacher; you'd be good at that, too, Sev!" she remarks. Sev blushes at her compliment, which is clearly due to the crush on Lily that he's harboured for years. Ci and Reg and I gossip consistently about this, which is how I learned exactly how long he's had this crush.

We are interrupted from our enjoyable conversation by – who else? – the Marauders. "Oh, lovely, as if I haven't been forced to deal with your company enough in the past month," Lily says to Black and Potter. "Not you guys, of course. We're still friends," Lily adds, directing that statement to Remus and Peter.

"Merlin, that's a little rude," Potter says, clutching a hand to his heart. "Defending your little Slytherin friends?" asks Black with a grin.

"If I'd tag - teamed a single person while taking him off guard, I wouldn't comment on how small someone else is. You're the one who stooped too low," I respond.

Genuine hurt flashes in Black's eyes, surprising me, but it disappears after a moment. Was it even there in the first place? Reg stands up and I turn my attention towards him.

"My dear brother, it's been a pleasure, but you're going to have to leave now." Regulus has always been friendly towards me – friendlier than I expected him to be – but towards his brother his voice is steely.

"What's the problem? Too much of a coward to face me? Of course, cowardice isn't new to you," Black insults his brother in a bored tone, running his hand through his hair.

"Yes, because anything other than charging headfirst into a situation unprepared and making no difference is cowardice," Reg responds, keeping his cool just like his brother.

They both seem hesitant to become angered; I have a feeling that they share a desire to appear collected and unaffected by others. I also believe that they think whispered insults make more of a difference than shouted ones.

This argument feels important and personal, as opposed to the normal sibling conflicts I frequently read about. I therefore assume that this is likely about their family life. I'm sure Sev and Ci know more about the situation than I do; Lily and I can only make guesses.

Black scoffs. "You don't get it, do you? You never did."

"And now you resort to that tactic? How unappealing. It's times like this when I recall why we have such a poor relationship," Reg shoots back.

Rivals [A Sirius Story]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें