« 9: Bitter »

20 3 3

« Sirius' POV »

All day, whispers have been directed my way. They were met mostly with glares and occasionally with death threats. This, however, did not seem to stem the tidal wave of rumours spreading.

But rumours of what?

I have no idea what exactly is causing everyone to stare at me. I mean, I usually get stared at, but that's just because I'm hot or because I beat up some kid.

This...this is different. Their stares are not admiring, nor fearful. They're sympathetic, of all things! I hate it. Sympathy...it's horrid. It's like a sugarcoated version of pity. Of course, pity is an implication that you are weak. So you can go ahead and revel in your weakness if you'd like, but it is a trait I'd rather steer away from.

I've collected the Marauders around me and they've nodded along to my statements, confirming that they, too, had seen looks pointed my way during the classes we had together. Well, James and Peter had; apparently Remus was too focused on the class to divert his attention otherwhere.

"Do we really need to pursue this?" Remus sighs. "What if it's going to lead to trouble?"

"Ooh, do you think it will?" James asks, excited. Peter nods along, bouncing down the corridor.

Remus hits his hand against his face. "I have no chance of persuading any of you out of this, do I?"

"Nope!" we chorus.

"Well, that's good, I was pretty curious myself," he enthuses, relieved. "Thank Merlin you all wanted to go. Okay, now that I've fulfilled my teacherly and parental duties of at least trying to restrain you: let's go interrogate someone!"

We cheer.

"But it has to be done without threatening, without name - calling, and without exceeding the bounds of basic human courtesy."

We boo.

Remus and I make eye contact and grin. "Let's get this show on the road," Remus instructs cheerfully.


Molly hesitates as we approach her. She seems to be aware of what we're about to ask, and would rather let someone else deal with the unpleasant task.

"Uh, hey boys, gotta run – " she begins. James and I quickly lay a hand on either side of her, preventing her from escaping.

She looks warningly at each of us. Slowly, James retracts his hand. I glare right back at her. "This is important, Molly," I tell her.

"Well then why couldn't you just inform me of how important you view it as and let me decide to stay on my own instead of inspiring to do this?" Molly asks. I don't really have time to register her words before she knees me in the stomach and bolts away.

I reach effortlessly after her to tightly grip her hand. "I'm sorry, Mol, they're brutes, really, but could you let them speak?" Rems asks innocently. James and I shoot him a glare, and he raises an eyebrow at us.

Molly smirks at our discomfort and nods. "Fine, you're right, it's only fair to indulge the brutes," she teases.

"Okay, we messed up there, but 'brutes'? That's a bit far!" James defends. She rolls her eyes. "Want the information or not?"

Peter enthusiastically cheers. "Yes we do!"

She can't help but crack a smile at Peter, who most people at Hogwarts consider, to phrase it in a third year Hufflepuff boy's words, "a precious little baby". Despite the view of him that was formed the very day he arrived at Hogwarts, many people still have attempted to bully him. This has come to stop as they realized that whoever messes with him is taking every Marauder on. We're all quite sure he would do the same for us: after all, the Marauders are family.

"Fine," she agrees, unable to deny Peter.

Her expression sobers as she looks at me. "Well, where do I begin this tale..." she contemplates, sighing. Finally, she begins: "So, as you're aware, everyone in the school is conscious of your crush on Marlene – except Marlene, that is, and because of this – "

"Wait!" I interrupt. "Everyone?! In the school??" Molly scrunches up her eyebrows. "Ah. I see. You were not aware of that fact."

"Who started the rumour that I do?" I asked, calming myself down slightly. I'd kill whoever did it.

"Who had to? We all have eyes," she retorts.

I glare at her silently.

"Lucius Malfoy may have helped keep the rumour going," she admits.

"Molly, you've got to give up that crush," Remus admonishes.

"What crush?!" she replies, looking away. "I don't know what you're talking about!"

"Don't try to hide it, we all have eyes," I mock bitterly.

Ignoring me, Molly explains that she feels unhappy at Malfoy's lack of attention towards her.

"Let's focus on Sirius, thanks," James interrupts. "This poor man's been wondering all day why people were looking at him! Your silly little love triangle issues can go on hold for a moment."

I give him an appreciative nod. "Thank you, Prongs," I say. He gives me a salute. "Not a problem, Padfoot."

"Why do you guys call each other that, anyway?" Molly questions.

Remus audibly gulps as James, Peter, and I stutter in unison: "Oh, you know..."

"James has done so many wrongs!" I blurt. "But he also likes to be pretty. So we combined...pretty...and...wrongs, and there you have it!"

James glares at me before tapping his chin and going, "You know, actually, that pretty much sums me up."

"As for Sirius, we discovered in first year that he was so sly when pulling pranks, he could even walk silently! Thence, Padfoot was born," Remus explains, having got himself together at this point.

"Now maybe you should stop trying to distract us, and tell me what's happening," I say cleverly. Molly frowns.

"Fine. It's just that...well, Marlene...has a – um..."

"What? A terminal disease?! Is she alright?!" I ask Molly hastily.

"...she has a boyfriend."

My eyes narrow in anger.

She has a boyfriend?!

A moment later, the hurt hits.

I thought we had something special. Maybe not. If we did, despite her being under the impression I longed to kiss someone else, she would've stayed single.

So yet again, it looks like I'm unwanted. First by my family, and now by the love of my life, or at least the love of my entire school career.

I thought it was her who wasn't alright somehow. Turns out it's me who's the hurt one.

But pretty soon, someone else won't be alright either.

"What's his name??" I ask, deadly serious.

- word count: 1089 -

So I didn't get to the drama yet today, it was more build - up: regardless, hope you enjoyed it!

Oh, and yes, the last line was a pun! It's not like me to let an emotionally deep moment occur without making some kind of joke.

Have a great day! x

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