« 14: Thoughtful »

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« Regulus' POV »

Sirius fucked up so badly. I almost laugh at the thought as I recount to my friends everything that happened. At the end, I explain the angry state Lil was in when she told me.

"He pissed off Marlene?" asks Sev disbelievingly. He's trying to conceal his excitement at the sound of Lily's name, but I can see right through him. "What a bloody idiot!" scoffs Lucius in between bouts of laughter.

I was about to find amusement in my brother's pain, but somehow it feels like a betrayal to pick apart his flaws in front of my friends. "Um, yes," I agree nervously. Severus assesses me with consideration and kindness. Both are traits he surpasses me in the display of. I am a calmer, more analytical person. I am caring, but he shows it more. He feels it more.

He puts his heart into things. He still believes in the prospect of happiness, which I'm really in no place to critique, I suppose.

Despite his feelings, which are generally overwhelming and intense, he is still intelligent. He's a good man, and a good friend.

"Can the idiot respond?" Ci asks loudly.

"Shh, he's having A Moment," Sev quiets him thoughtfully. "Leave him be."

"God, A Moment again? Didn't he have one of those, like, yesterday?" complains Ci. To an outsider (which is how our little gang refers to the others, the cruel Slytherins or those from other houses who don't understand us), he'd sound downright mean, but we know he's a joker. He's a good person, deep down. Deep, deep down.

"Shut up, I'm done now," I retort. The only proof that I'm not truly being hostile is shown in the upwards curve of my lip.

Severus intervenes with a smirk. "Break it up, losers."

At that, we all collapse into giggles. What a pure, wholesome moment of friendship! Truly, the happiest minutes of my life have been spent with these two. And they've also seen me put the saddest moments of my life on display. They've stuck with me through it all. I truly love –

My thought process is broken when my friends are jostled aside by a group of four. Only one of them has even made an attempt not to hit them, and he shoots us an apologetic look. Remus. (I like him. It takes guts to act differently from people you consider your family. I want to be like that. He does so in a diplomatic way, not being a bitch about it like Sirius. He's worth my admiration.)

Though I wasn't the one who was shoved, my friends were. And I don't really appreciate that. I don't like starting fights, but in the name of my friends I wouldn't hesitate to do so.

"Come on," I say coolly. Ci stands upright and marches behind me. Severus sighs, but I can tell that underneath, he's excited at the prospect of getting back at the Marauders. At this point, the annoying group has progressed a great distance down the campus.

I start quickly walking to catch up. Say what you will about them and I'll probably agree with you, but one good trait they share, the existence of which can't be contested, is that they're very athletic.

As I think this, Peter trips as he stumbles to keep up.

Ci pulls me from my contemplations. Literally pulls me. "Come on, loser," he mumbles affectionately. When I catch up to both of my friends, Sev loops his arm around mine to cease my progress and mumbles, "Listen." At this point, we have caught up to them.

"Fucking losers making us leave the dorms," growls a voice. Sirius. I tense at the sound.

"I mean, technically, they did not make us leave; they just entered," counters someone else. Sounds like the voice of reason, also known as the voice of Remus.

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