« 8: Mistaken »

25 3 1

« Marlene's POV »

I inhale heavily, trying to regain my breath, as I slide down the door to the Gryffindor girls' dormitory. After rushing up the stairs, I feel as if there's no air left in my body.

I don't exercise much.

That should be all that's troubling me, really: the fact that I feel exhausted and need to work out more. But for some reason, those issues aren't at the forefront of my mind.

Sighing, I knead my forehead with my palm. Why do I care that Black was about to kiss Molly? Why do I care that they were flirting?

None of this is remotely logical, and I don't like it!

It's because you like him, a voice in my mind hisses. You like Sirius Black, and you can't deny it any longer.

Slamming my fist against the floor, I push myself off the floor. "I like him?" I growl. "Sirius Black?! As if I ever would."

He's arrogant. Thoughtless. Shallow. Self - oriented.

Others' problems are a source of amusement for him rather than a derivation of consideration, or even something from which to learn a lesson.

I do not like him.

The word liar spirals out from the darkest depths of my mind, accusing me. As if I truly do like him.

...Do I?

No, no, I don't, this is Lily getting inside my head.


I place a hand over my eyes. "What am I even doing?" I sigh. "This is so confusing."

Love is confusing.

Can that little voice inside my head shut up now?! Merlin!

No, I won't. Accept your feelings first.

I roll my eyes. Did Lily and Potter combine themselves into one being? Jesus, if they did, that would certainly be a hairy situation for all involved.

Shut up.

I groan.

A knock on the door resounds throughout the room. "Mar? You okay?"

Hell no!


"Right, yeah, I'm calling bullshit," Lily says boldly, pushing the door open and causing me to sprawl out onto the floor in a rather awkward manner. "Oops."

"Couldn't you have at least let me despise my life while sitting up?!" I complain.

"Apparently not! Now c'mon, tell your best friend what the problem is," Lily encourages.

"There is no problem! Except there are voices inside my mind telling me that I like Black when I don't!"

"So the problem is that you're delusional?" Lily questions, smirking.

I push myself off the floor to defend myself. "I think it's that your and Potter's brainchild is in my head!"

"What?! Child?? Potter and I haven't even kissed! And I don't even like him!!"

"Right, I'm the delusional one. Besides, I said 'brainchild'. Not birth - child. Calm yourself."

Lily and I collapse out of exhaustion on the floor at the same time.

"Hey, 'Loss?" I ask quietly.

"Yes, Mar?"

"I have an idea."

« Lily's POV »

"I have an idea," Marlene confides.

This is either going to be the most brilliant thought ever to exist in the universe, or it's going to end up with at least three people dead.

Or both.

You never know.

"I'm pretty excited to hear it," I reply curiously.

"I am going to get a boyfriend to prove that I have no emotional connection to Black," my friend explains.

Okay, we're going with "both" then. Making Black jealous is a great strategy, but he will most likely kill the boyfriend, her, and then himself.

"Amazing! You'll be able to fill him with jealousy in no time!" I exclaim enthusiastically.

"What?! No! It's because I don't like him!" she denies, the adorable fool. I mean, she's a genius in so many areas, but here we can all agree that she's not letting that genius shine through.

"Mhm. You know, this is probably your subconscious trying to hook you and Black up," I declare confidently.

"Maybe I shouldn't do it, then," she slyly remarks, knowing that I will stop my comments at the risk of her doing something I think will prevent her from dating Black. She should've been a Slytherin, the cunning snake.

"Fine," I give in. "Which guy?"


The feeling of defeat overwhelms me as I consider everything that could possibly go wrong. Black could get discouraged, he could actually end up killing someone, or Marlene could end up truly falling for this other guy!

The last thought makes me shiver.

I want Marlene to be happy, of course! She's my best friend, the other half of me, and she's someone who deserves amazing things. If I died, she'd die with me, and vice versa.

And I feel, somewhere deep inside me, that Black is meant to be with her. Her type of humour and his seem to fit each other perfectly; her self - confidence is low and he would be determined to help her with it; in all the multiple ways he is fucked up, she would try to help him.

Their personalities just seem to work. Hers is shy, but she'll stand up for herself, whereas his is bold, but when he has to, he'll stand down. They're different like that. He's also more boastful of himself, whereas she is more modest, but both of those traits lead back to their own self - esteem issues.

They're more similar than they know. They both like to read (Potter told me that Black sneaks books from the library without telling anyone but the Marauders: apparently he's embarrassed). They both care extensively for their loved ones, but will laugh at them.

All of these considerations lead me to believe that they should be together! In addition, there's just a...sense inside me that tells me their being in a relationship is right.

So, now that I've assured myself of the accuracy of my reasoning, I can continue pushing them to date without feeling guilty.

That's a relief.

Pushing myself off the couch in my common room that I'm currently laying on, I go ask the House Elves to prepare some popcorn.

There's about to be some drama, and when there is, I plan to be ready.

- word count: 1000 -

I'm writing this on my roof and honestly reading/writing on one's roof, especially with a breeze going, especially if you live next to the lake, especially if the sunlight is darting through the trees to meet your eyes as if in a dream, is A+. I advise it.

Warning: Do Not Kill Yourself By Falling Off Your Roof. If This Is Done, I Refuse To Be Sued, Though I Can Be Applied To To Write Fanfiction For Your Funeral.

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