Chapter 1 - Pilot

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Last day in America. Last day enjoying my life. I was awake all night, the thought of being away from Colorado  was painful. I have never left my state, let alone a whole new country. I was moving to a place within England, it was half an hour from London if you take a taxi or bus.

I climbed into the shower, then pulled on some clean black tight jeans, and a black top with the jokers face on it. 

'Phil, you better be on your way down the stairs!' My mother called.

'I am, give me a second to breath.' I grumbled. Grabbing my phone and jumping down the stairs.

'So, you know I said you are going to a boarding school...' She begun, as she handed me some pancakes. This was unusual, but she was only doing it because I was leaving today.


'Well, something has changed, your fathers organized it for you to change and go to a host family in London instead. A boy there studies at the same school as you will, so he will show you everything. It will give you more freedom to explore the city.' She seemed so proud of herself.

'Okay, whatever.' I grumbled. 

'I will pick you up from school during your second lesson, so be ready, as we need to come home and you need to finish packing.' She ordered. The doorbell went.

'Hey, Jonah!' I called, opening the door. He lived across the road from me, we are best friends, along with Jake, Loren and Cathers. 

'I am leaving.' 

'Bye, see you in two hours!' She called. I was only going to school to say good-bye to my friends. Some weren't aware I was leaving yet, as I was to sad to tell them. I just wanted to stay in America. I love it here. 

'Mate, will you come and visit?' Jonah asked, as he pulled out a orange and began to eat it.

'Obviously!' I really don't want to leave!'

'Then don't go!' 

'I have to, my dad is so deteramied to straighten me out, I don't understand.. All I did was through a house party, Maddie does it all the time!' 

'Yeah, but her parents don't give a fuck!' Jonah replied.

We reached my school, walking up the drive for my last time, it felt wrong. I wanted to stay here. 

'PHIL!' I heard somebody call. Turning around, Cathers and Jake where practically on top of me, both hugging me. 

'Please stay!' Jake begged. I felt sorry for them all, we had made a packed, ages ago, that we would all live in New York together when we were older, and that we would never leave each other, but I am. 

'I am going to miss you all so much!' I admitted. 

The bell rang, we had science, well, me and Jake. We traipsed to the lesson, while Cathers, Jonah and Loren headed to there lesson. They were going to all get out of the second lesson at half past, so they could say good-bye to me. 

Walking into science, my teacher smiled at me. 'Have fun in London, boy!' He patted my shoulder. Mr Vine never liked me, although they say they don't have favourites.. they honestly do, and they also have there least favourite.. 

- - - 

Science skipped passed, and it was almost half way through second lesson, English.

'Philip, you need to leave now.' Miss Kidders ordered. 'Jonah, Jake, Cathers, Loren, you can all go out for twenty minutes, but then come back.'

We all rushed out the door. 'I don't want to leave.' I whispered to Jake, as we walked towards the entrance of my school. 

'Nobody wants you to leave, apart from Mr Vine..' Cathers laughed, playfully punching my arm.

'I am going to message you all as soon as I get to London, okay!' I spoke, attempting to hold the tears back. I would miss Jake the most. We had been friends since pre-school, I had grown up with him, having our disagreements in the past.

I saw my mum pull up her car. 'I need to leave now.' I mumbled, hugging each of them in turn, tears scaring my face. 'I will miss you all so much!' 

'We love you, okay.' Loren whispered. 

'I love you all too.. ah.' I groaned, heading to the car.#

'WAIT!' Jake called, pulling something out his bag. 'We made something, don't look at it till you are on the plane..' He smiled, handing me a card and something wrapped up. 

'Oh, thank you..' I smiled, climbing into the car, waving them all good-bye. 

They began to get smaller. I felt smaller. It felt so wrong.

'Come on sweetie, lets get you to London.' My mum smiled, driving. 

- - -

We reached the airport, after going home and getting the last of my things into the car, I had three suite cases all together. I needed it, London would be freezing. 

'Have fun, we are only doing this because we love you.' My mum kissed my cheek. Ball shit, my dad didn't even come to say goodbye. 

I walked through security, and soon I was sitting on the plane, waiting to take off.

'The present!' I whispered, pulling my travel bag up. It was wrapped in pink and purple paper, work of Cathers, I am guessing. I pulled the card, off, and opened it up. 

Dear Phil, 

Have fun in London, we will all miss you so much. I hope you enjoy it, make new friends, learn new things. Don't forget about us, because we all love you so much. You have made a massive impact on all of our lives, remember that. Nothing will be the same again. Never change for anybody. We will still all live in New York one day, just as long as we all stay in contact with each other, but for now, enjoy London! 

Lots of Love, 

Jake, Loren, Cathers and Jonah xoxo

I felt tears falling, I was over emotional, I know but I would miss them all so much. I pulled the present out, to find it a scrap book. 

Pages and pages of memories, stories and pictures. On the last page, they got all my other friends and people from school to sign it, and a photo of the class, one we all took three years ago.

I closed my eyes, imagining what they were doing. Wishing I was with them, and off this plane.


A/N - I changed it a little, sorry.. I read somebody elses fanfic, and got some new inspiration. I hope you still enjoy it.

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