Chapter 2 - New Family

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We arrived. I slept through most the flight somehow.

I got of the plane, and rushed to the suitcase collection area, I had a few to collect. So I was one of the last to leave. When I finally found them, and passed security, I reached the area everybody gets collected from. Looking around, there weren't any names reading Phil. I continued walking, nothing. Was I expected to get there myself? I had no idea where it was, I checked my phone. I had a text from my mum.

Sweetie, you need to get a taxi to the house.
The address is 72 Walton street, London, SA3 5OJ
Have fun, miss you.

Great, I was expected to find my way to this house.

After half an hour, I found a free cab. They were black, unlike our stereo typical yellow ones in America, although that's mainly New York, I lived there for two years.

Once I told the man the address, I sat back, and watched London. Everything was so diverse. I was used to such heat, but I was freezing here. It was winter, but it should be warmer than this, seriously. I am used to cold weather, but going from warm to cold, is tough.
'Where are you traveling from?' The man asked, practically begging for a tip.

'America, I moved here to start a fresh at school.' I replied, rather plainly. He didn't reply much after that, only a few more questions, and giving me recommendations, to go to a few places.

After a half an hour, he pulled to a stop. 'We have arrived!' He smiled, we drove into a entrance. The house was unbelievably big. It had its own front yard, as big as my back garden. It was amazing.

'Thankyou, keep the change!' I smiled, handing him a fifty pound note, I only owed him forty, but he seemed nice enough.

'Thanks! Enjoy England sir!' He smiled, helping me caring my luggage to the front door before leaving.

I rang the doorbell, panicking suddenly. Was I at the correct house? Did I have everything i need? What if nobody was home?

The door swung open, revealing a woman I presumed would be my host mother. 'Hello Philip!' She chirped, a British accent booming from her lips. 'Welcome, Daniel, Cody and Samantha are all still at school, but I will help you unpack, then you can meet the rest of our family, and your host dad later!' She seemed nice enough, but very smiley, which made me question why.

My room was massive, the house had three floors, the first contained the kitchen, dinning room, an office, living room, another living room with games consoles in and two bathrooms. The second, had the parents, Cody and Samantha's rooms due to them being younger, and the top, had my room, another guest room, and dans room along with a bathroom.

I settled in, unpacking my clothes and hanging them in the wardrobe, placing my card in the room, and the book my friends made on my desk. The room was basic, bed, lamp, desk, wardrobe. Nothing special. It was enough. I was only praying for Internet connection, then this place was standard for me.

Pulling out my laptop, there was wifi, but I need a pass code. I can find it in a moment.

I pulled out my docking station, plugged it in, and played some music quietly. While putting posters up. Attempting to make it look more homely.

The door bell went. Talking, silence. Walking, a door slam next door to me. The others were home.

I needed to make a good impression, but how? It was probably weird for them having a random stranger staying here, how can I make them feel comfortable. I'll just go knock on the door, ask for the wifi, say I need to talk to a friend. That was I'll make the first move and introduce myself.

I walked across the small landing, but as I was about to knock, I heard my host mum call us all to come down. 'Dinner!' She shouted.

That's early? I thought, walking down slowly, as I heard Dans footsteps slowly fall behind me.

I walked into the kitchen, greeted by a girl, who looked around 14, and a boy around 11. 'This is Samantha and Cody!' My host mum called. 'Thats your host dad!' She smiled at her husband. 'And Daniel should be down any second.'

'It's Dan.' A voice came from behind, he sounded annoyed. I guess he often gets called Daniel by a mistake.

'I smiled up at him, as he walked passed, but he didn't even glance at me. I trailed behind him, and joined where the whole family was sat, in front of a dinner. 'We don't normally sit to eat meals, but I prepared this especially for your arrival!' My host mum smiled.

'Well, we are all going to die, we all know your mothers cooking!' Host dad replied, laughing, they all chuckled quietly, as I began to dig in.

'Amazing food!' I smiled, chewing away.
'Thanks!' She smiled, enjoying her own plate of food.

Dinner was over fast, and we all headed back to our separate rooms again. 'Phil, will you play with me?' Samantha asked. Oh god, no. I hated playing with small children. I prayed for help.

'He doesn't want to play with you, Samantha, he's jet lagged, leave him alone.' Dan mumbled.

I smiled inwardly, and continued walking up the final set of stairs to my room. 'Thanks.. Oh, do you happen to know the internet pass code? I really need to talk to a few people?' I smiled.

'I will bring it to your room in a minute.' He replied. His tone of voice slightly higher than previously.

I felt like he was constantly judging me, and that I wanted to gain his friendship. Living so close, and being the same age, it would be a good idea to attempt that. As it was Friday, I had the weekend to attempt this, before going back to school with him.

I turned on my laptop, smiling at the desktop photo of my friends, I missed so much.

Knocking at the door. 'Come in!' I chirped.

'There you go.' He smiled. 'I like what you did with the room, most people who stay here in the past keep it plain.'

'I don't want to live in this room for a year with no posters!'

'You have a good taste in music and all!' He replied, as I typed in the password, and typing away, logging into my Facebook. 39 notifications, 19 messages. I have only been away a day.

'Thanks, I'm glad somebody agrees!' I smiled. 'Most people where I am from think the music I listen to his horrible.

'I love it, well I'm going!' Dan stretched, that's when I saw his arms. Most covered by wrist bands and bracelets, but I could see it clearly, self harm. Recent.

'Bye.' I mumbled, shivering.

He left without any other questions asked. Leaving me wanting to know why. Why did he self harm? He seemed easy to get along with? I am guessing he is the popular groups at school...

Most the notifications where people commenting on my wall wishing me good luck, and one of a group photo of us all, we took the day before my last. Messages where mainly good luck from my friends.

Jake: come back, school is so boring without you, and Lucy keeps crying, she has such a thing for you man. I kind of miss you as well, but not that much.

Lucy: I hope you enjoyed the present and card we all made you. I love you Phil.

(Jonah's, Cathers and Maddy's was the same.. Along with a few other people.)

I smiled. Jake was online.

I requested a camera chat, that he accepted quickly.

We chatted for a few hours, just about life, saying how we'd miss each other, but he was planing to accept a visit soon. Hopefully, during a holiday, Christmas. I hope he does.

After that, I climbed into bed. I needed to gain Dans friendship this weekend, but first, I need for get rid of this stupid jet lag.

- - -

I don't know what my upload days are, I'll tell you soon, but I hope you enjoy this fanfic, I think this will be the best I have done. I have some good plans, so excited to write them! If you have any tips and ideas, comment them, and show me people are reading them by commenting also, as there will be no point me carrying on if I'm writing it for nobody!

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