Chapter 13 - Party

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'We will stay for two hours max, then come home and enjoy our Christmas together!' I smiled, wrapping my arms around the back of Dan as he straitened his dark brown hair.

'Promise?' He mumbled.

'Yes, I promise!' He kissed my cheek, and I let go of him to tell my mum she needed to drop us off at Cathers house and that I'd text when to pick up.

'Ready!' Phil smiled, running down the staircase. It felt so good to be back in the USA. I do love it here, so much warmer than in Britain.

We all traipsed to the car and got in. 'So, tomorrow we are going out for some lunch, did you both want to come with us?'

'No thanks, me and Dan are going to the town and I'm going to try show him a few places!' I smiled.

'Have fun finding something to show him, it's nothing like the uk unless you go to New York!'

'Mum that's on our to do list, Jesus.'

'You sound like a married couple!' She chuckled, pulling over to Cathers house.

'Have fun, text me when you need picking up or get a taxi if it's past midnight!' She smiled, before driving off.

'Looks dead, think we should go..' Dan whispered.
'I think not, let's just try it!' I replied. Knocking on the door before realising it was open.

'SURPRISE!' Somebody screamed, turning on the lights which had before been dark. The music started and everybody had drinks in there hands.

'You are late mr, have a drink!' Jake giggled, chucking vodka and coke into my face which I happy drank down quickly.

'Dance with me, I missed you!'

'Okay!' I cheered, giving Dan a sorry look before going with him.

(Time skip an hour)

I had quite a lot to drink, and couldn't think straight. Glancing around the room, I couldn't see Dan, then I remembered I hadn't seen him since we had got here.

Panicking, I walked up to the bedrooms using the stair case, tripping occasionally.

'DAN?' I cried.

'HEY, PHIILL what you doing brah?' Jake smiled, smashing his body into mine, causing him to pin me against the wall.

'Looking for Dan, have you seen him.' I shivered at his touch. He gave me a feeling I had never felt before.

'No, but I-' he cut himself off, by leaning in to kiss me.


I found myself joining in. I was drunk, my body had it's own idea. I felt instant regret, but in ways I enjoyed it. He began to grind my leg, and strove my neck, before moving from my lips to my neck and making a hickey.
Throughout this I kept moaning. Sometimes in regret, other in joy and pleasure.

After that my mind went blank. Good knows what had happened.


I woke up to the light shining into my eyes, as my phone began to ring. Checking, it was my mum for the 37 time.

'Hello?' I croaked.

'Im guessing you stayed. Thanks for telling me... I'll come and pick you up in an hour after I finish grocery shopping!' She chirped.

'Okay.' I mumbled, hanging up the phone and putting my head back down.

I turned my head, before realising my location. I was in a bed, I'm guessing Cathers, and only in my underwear, next to me I saw a boy. It wasn't Dan, it was Jake!

'Last night was mental!' He moaned, turning to face me. 'But I have missed you so much,'

'Missed you too!' I smiled.

'Love you man!' He cuddled into me. I leaned my head against him and fell back into a peaceful sleep.

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