Chapter 4 - Midnight terrors

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Waking up in England felt strange. Firstly, didn't have to listen to my dad groaning about having to get up so early for work at 6am, I didn't have my mum running in even on the weekend at 7:30, expecting me to help with cleaning the house. I had a lay in, so,etching I needed in a long time.

I woke up at my own accord. It felt strange. I climbed out of bed, stretching. I then looked down, remember walking up freezing, so covering myself with five blankets from the cupboard, and having three jumpers on.

Looking at the time, it was 1pm, woah, I slept for ages! I changed, pulling on some joggers and an old green t-shirt, just to go downstairs.

I forgot the house had loads of room and floors, so I got lost on my way to the kitchen.

'Mor- afternoon!' I chimed, Miss Howell smiled up at me, she was reading the newspaper.

'Sleep well?' She replied.

'I woke up in the middle of the night, but I got back to sleep after a while.'

Well hopefully your sleeping pattern sorts itself out today. I suggest just relaxing today, and maybe doing something more productive tomorrow?'

'Yeah, I'll just watch television.' I smiled.

'Would you like anything to eat? Breakfast or lunch? I'm going to make a roast for dinner tonight, but a sandwich or something?'

'No, it's fine!' I am too fat, I don't need to eat anymore.

I walked to the living room, with all the gaming devices and DVD player in, and watched finding nemo. The house was silent, where was everybody?

Once it finished, I walked back to the kitchen. 'Where is Dan, Samantha and Cody?'

'Samantha has gone to her friends for a sleep over tonight, Cody is at football with your host father. Dan is still sleeping, actually, could you wake him up for me? I need him for something.'

I walked up the stairs, to his door. Tapping at it, this was becoming a habit.

'Who is it?' He moaned, his voice deep, making me dither.

'Phil- your mum said to wake you?'

'Oh, why? Come in.'

I opened the door, and stepped in, he was laying in his bed still, all cozy. 'Your mum said she needs you to help her with some things.'

'Ugh, okay, can you get me some baggy shorts and a top out my draw please.' He ordered.

I did as instructed, and chucked them over to him, before turning around and leaving him to change.

I went back into the gaming lounge, and started watching another film, called We're The Milers.

I heard loud thumps coming down the stairs, talking, then somebody going out the house. I looked out the window, Dan had been sent to get some things from the shop.

- ,time skip, five hours -

The doorbell went, it was my host father and Cody. Dan came back after an hour of being at the shops, and went straight up to his room.

- time skip, hour -

'DINNER!' My host mum called, making me shoot up, turn the television off, and walk to the kitchen. I was so excited for a proper British roast.

We waited until Dan arrived, before digging in, it tasted amazing.

'Thanks!' I smiled, 'it tastes so much better than the ones we get in America, especially after a cold day!'
'No problems my dear, any time!'

We all scoffed it down, I helped wash up the dishes, then decided to speak to a few friends online.

I webcamed Jake for half an hour, before somebody knocked at the door.

'One second Jake! Come in!' I called, still on cam to Jake,

'Hey, er-' Dan paused, after hearing a squeak from my computer.

'I am on webcam sorry!' I laughed to Dan, how can I help?'

'Oh, well I was wondering if you wanted to come to London tomorrow? I'll take you around and show you the place, as you won't want to go alone?' He suggested.

'Yeah! That would be amazing! Oh thank you!' I chirped, I ran and gave him a hug, giving me shivers at his touch, but I felt so excited. 'Sorry. I live the idea of going to London and seeing all the tourist places!' I felt myself blush quick.

'Oh, okay, just- I'll wake you up around 8? Then we can leave by half 9? Get into the main part by 10 and just explore and I can show you all the tourist places, museums, London eye..'

'Yeah, okay, knock on my door please! Night!' I called, as he left my room.


'So is that the Dan guy?' Jake giggled through the camera.

'Yeah, he's really nice!' I smiled, something about dan made him different, I kind of wanted him to like me, I felt like I needed him to. Not because of popularity and friends at school but in general. He seems nice and caring, I wanted somebody like that as a friend.

'Im going to sleep, I have a busy day ahead tomorrow!' I giggled.

'Night! Miss you!' Jake called.

'Miss you also!' I replied. It was weird, I did miss them, but I was beginning to less. I don't know why, I hadn't even started school, but I feel happy without them, like I'm having a fresh start.

I had a quick shower, instead of having one in the morning, then climbed into bed, closing my eyes, letting darkness take me.

- - -

I woke myself up screaming. A nightmare, how embarrassing.

'Are you okay?' I heard, Dan rushing through the door, then his mum.

'Oh, sorry, oh god, I just had a bad nightmare.' I replied to them.

'Okay, goodnight.' His mum smiled, walking back out. But Dan lingered.

'About what?' He asked, kind of with a blunt voice.

'It was just a horrible dream, every body I loved was getting hurt in different ways, and then I was in London, while it was all happening with you all, and you where all next.'

'Oh, well I'm alive!' Dan smiled.

'Good, I feel a bit shaken up now..'I moaned, seeing it was the middle of the night.

'Er- do you want to sleep in my room? I have a double bed, so we can share it, it wouldn't be weird...-'

'Yeah.. Thanks, I used to share double beds with friends when I had sleepovers anyways.' I smiled, walking through the dark to Dans room, it was tidier, but still had some clothes dumped.

'Thanks.. Again.' I spoke, i felt awkward, but I wouldn't be able to sleep on my own now.

'No problems, night.' Dan smiled, climbing in after me, he faced away, and went silent.

I lay there, for a while, until darkness came for me.

- - -

BLEGH, plot twist kinda? I dunno if I want to have phan yet, or keep leading it on, what do you think? I had an idea about when they go into London, but I'm not sure, tell me what you want before tomorrow night! :)

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