Chapter 9 - Back Abroad

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I lay in bed, awake.

Today had been different. I finally felt the full effect of love. The feeling of kissing Dan.

After eating the pancakes, we decided to just watch films and snuggle all day. Dan is in the shower now.

I logged into my Facebook, it had been a while since I last went onto it, a 5 messages from Jake.

First sent four weeks ago:

Phil! We haven't spoke in a few months! How are things?

Then a week ago:

Hey, are you ignoring me?

Then three days ago:

Do you even remember who I am anymore?

Then 2 days ago:

PHIL! Why are you not replying?

Then an hour ago:

I thought you hated the idea of moving to England. Your mum was on the phone to mine yesterday, apparently you got the choice to come back but aren't what's going on? Have you completely forgotten us?

I decided to reply. I needed to explain things, I have changed, I decided to miss out the things about my love for Dan and being gay.

Jaake! I am so so sorry, I have been so busy with school and getting to know my family and hanging with Dan. Things have changed, since I got to England. I love it here, and I love someone here.. It's complicated. I miss you all, so much, but I needed this fresh start. I plan to visit in a week or two, as it's near Christmas, love you x

Within seconds I had a reply

Good, I cannot wait to catch up. I miss you man, love you too! I might throw you a party or something, aha.

I heard Dan get out the shower and walk into his room. Once I replied to a few others just asking how England was, I called my mum to check about coming over during Christmas.

'Hey sweetie, hows England?'

'Good, so I was calling to check if it was cool for me to visit sometime soon, it is Christmas next Thursday?'

'Sounds good, when do you want to get here? You can bring a friend if you want, we can pay for them?' She sounded glad to speak to me.

'I could bring Dan with me, my host brother.. he's amazing.' I smiled to myself.

'THANKS YOU'RE OKAY YOURSELF!' I heard Dan call from outside my room, then he walked into the room, only wearing boxers, he hugged me from behind.

I ignored him as I finished the phonecall with my mum.


'What was that all about?' Dan asked, letting go of me and sitting down at the desk area.

'I'm going back to America Tuesday morning, I am just sick of you.' I spoke seriously, to see his reaction.

'WHAT!' Dan stood up again. 'Phil.. please don't leave.'

'Why shouldn't I?'

'Because- I- It will-'

'I'm only kidding, I'm going for a week to see some family and friends, you can come with me if you like?' I cut him off.

'Phew.' He breathed out, 'I'd love to come, but I cannot af-'

'I'll pay for you!' I giggled. 'Concider it my Christmas present to you.'

'That's not fair on you!'

'My mum said she'd pay me some money when I get there for the flight anyways, so it won't matter! Just check with host mum tomorrow, as it's like 1am now.'

'Okay, i'm going to America! In two days!' Dan cried out in joy.

'With the best person in the world, cough.' I mumbled, giggling slightly.

'With my favourite person in the world, who I flipping love right now!' He ran over to me giving me a massive hug. 'Thank you.' He whispered.

'Anything for you.' I replied.

We broke apart, and decided to do our late night walk we previously planned another night as we needed sleep.

'Night..' Dan mumbled, leaving the room.

'Night.' I called back.

'I love you.' I whispered, as I heard his door shut.

- - -

'Wake up!' Dan shouted into my ear. I shifted my body up and opened my eyes, greeted by Dan staring at me.

'What?' I groaned, half asleep.

'We need to ask my mum if I can go to America!'

'Right now?'

'YES!' He pulled me out of bed and dragged me down the stairs.

We burst into the kitchen.

'Morning, we brought you both a present back from London.' My host mum chimed, smiling up at us.

'MUM!' Dan shouted.

'Yeah?' She smiled, turning to look at us both.

'Can Dan come with me to America on Tuesday for Christmas?' I smiled,

'Hmm.. Not really.' She moaned. 'We are celebrating Christmas as a family, Daniel.' She glanced to him.

'Its Dan, and please mum, dans mum will pay for it, it's only for a week.. Come on!'

'No.' She spoke harshly.


'Because you are spending Christmas with your family!'

'But Phil is my family, he's my host brother!' He tried to confuse my host mum, but she was getting angrier by the second.

'Let the kid go have some fun, dear.' Host dad spoke up, he had been there the whole time, drinking coffee and reading the paper.

'Thanks dad!' Dan smiled, 'please mum.'

'... Fine, but only for a week.. No longer.'

'thank you!' Dan cheered, running back out the kitchen, leaving me wanted to get back into bed.

'Thanks Phil, for giving Dan the opportunity, he has dreamed of going abroad to America loads, but we never got round to going there, we normally go to Spain or something closer, as the younger children don't enjoy traveling.'

'No problems, thanks miss Howell!' I smiled, waddling out the room and back up to my bedroom.

As I walked in, Dan was waiting, standing.

'No no-' he pushed me out of my room room and into his.

'I want to go back to sleep also..' Dan begun.

'Your point.' I groaned, wanting to just sleep forever.

'... I thought we could, sleep together, like we have before, as you stop my nightmares.' He spoke, his voice with slight pain in the word nightmare.

'Okay, night.' I smiled, climbing into the bed as he drew his curtains and joined me. I searched for his hand, as grabbed it squeezing it tight.

'Goodnight.' I whispered.

'Goodnight.' Dan repliedl kissing my cheek genially, before cuddling into me, and falling asleep on my chest.

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