Chapter 18 - Happy to hate you

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I woke up to somebody calling me.


'Have you done it, sexy?' Jake cackled.

'Yes.' I mumbled, pulling myself to sit up. Seeing Dan still curled in a ball from sleeping.

'Ok, meet me at Starbucks in half an hour for our first date.'

'Jake, you are fucking sick.' I whispered, stepping over Dan and grabbing some clothes, changing and walking out the house towards town. I grabbed a mcdonalds on the way to eat as breakfast, despite it being 12 noon.

I reached Starbucks, greeted by Jake hugging me harshly. We walked in, and he made me buy him a drink. We sat down in the corner where little or no people could see us, which made me feel scared.


'Ugh. J-Jake.. Will you be my boyfriend?'

'Sure.' He screamed, within seconds he was straddling me. Lips on mine, licking and demanding entrance. He was actually, not the worst looking guy, I used to have a crush on him, and I licked how he had the bad guy image.

Wait what am I saying. What about Dan.

'Uh baby, can you sleep at mine tonight, wait, I'll call your mum for you, I need to make you my bitch.' He whispered in my ear, causing me to quiver.

He pulled out my phone, and dialled my house number.


'Hi, it's Jake, Phil said he missed me, as he's going back to London soon, he wanted to see me. Is it okay if he slept round.'

'Oh, okay, sure Jake, get him to text me if we wants a lift in the morning, Is Dan invited as well?'

'No sorry, he said its American lads night.' He chuckled, brushing some of my fringe out my eyes.

'Oh, okay, well thanks, speak tomorrow, bye.' The phone went dead, Jake turned back at me.

'Honey, you won't be walking once I'm done with you.' He chuckled, pulling me up of the seat and dragging me to the car park. We got in his car and he drove to his house. He lived in his own house now. I forgot to mention, he moved out, his family is very wealthy.

We reached the house, and he dragged me into his house.

'Come on baby, let me show you something!' He chuckled, pushing me onto his bed, 'back in a moment, need to boil the kettle.'

He left. Leaving me lying in his room, slighting aroused by his bad boy ego. I couldn't lie to myself, he was treating me horribly, but it kinda turned me on, but Dan would be so disgusted. He's soft and sweet. With hugs and cuddles. Jakes rough and dangerous.

He came back, with a cup of hot water.


I lay naked, with burns down my back and stomach. Next to me, is Jake naked as well. I shivered.

It was 7am, I must have slept. I began to change, wrote a note and walked home, ashamed of myself. The burns killing my back, but I'd get some cream for those another time. I need to tell Dan what had really happened, ask what he thinks I should do.

I reached the door, pushing it open.

'Early for you!' My mum chuckled, walking past, 'Dan's still in bed.'

I waddled up the stairs, the pain from last night kicking in.

I walked in, instantly whipping off my top and seeing the burns through my mirror.

'Where are they from?' Dan whispered, suddenly next to me. His hand glided against one.

'I- we- I need to talk to you.' I mumbled.

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