Chapter 17 - Christmas (part 2)

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I was in the bathroom, so I decided to do the only thing I knew; searching through the untouched shelf, i pushed past the old shampoo bottles I never cleared out. I clutched the box.

I locked the toilet door, dropped against the wall, and rolled up my sleeves. Two months clean; until now.

I trailed the blade over my old scars, finding space for a new one. Once. Twice. Three times. Four.

My breath quickened, as I heard somebody close my door. 'Phil?' Dan called. 'Are you okay? You didn't come back?'

'I- I-' I whispered, I heard Dan stand in front of the door.

'What are you doing in there?' He whispered, weakly, I reached to the door handle, pulling myself of the ground, but I had lost a lot of blood, I felt weak. I walked to the sink, ignoring Dan banging the door.

I grabbed my first aid kit, while running the arm under water. Once it stopped bleeding, quickly I dabbed my arm dry, before bandaging it up.


'Nothing.' I mumbled, unlocking the door and pushing past him. I walked into my room and lay on my bed. I heard Dan walk in, so I turned on my side; pushing my sleeve down so he couldn't see the bandage which was beginning to stick out.

'Who did you call?' He asked, spooning me from behind, his breathing causing heat against my neck.

'Jake, it was nothing.' I mumbled.

'Obviously it does..'

'JUST DROP IT!' I screamed, pushing him off my bed.

'Ouch- Oh.. okay.' he mumbled, standing up walking out the door. 'I just care about you, considering you are the love of my life.'

Guilt destroyed me. I felt a current of distort and disloyalty.

'We need... To break up, whatever this Is it's wrong I'm not gay!' I cried. Regretting each word. I was wrong I loved him, he was my life.

'What?' Dan whispered.

'I- you heard.'

'Oh-' he mumbled.

'DINNER!' My mum called, by dinner, she meant our Christmas dinner meal, which was actually at lunch.

We ate in silence. Once finished, I went into my room, sulked until bedtime and slept. Dan had to sleep in my room still, but he slept on the floor, without speaking.


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