Chapter 20 - Back to England

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Something hit my head. The room went black.


'WAKE UP!' Somebody screamed, I heard the sound of an ambulance outside from where I lay. Dan's face hovered above me. I'd never been so happy to see him.

'I love you.' I whispered, closing my eyes, struggling to handle the light of people holding torches.

I was carried onto a ambulance, with Dan never letting go of my hand, he kept whispering sweet things into my ear, reminding me of our memories, and how I loved him. He said we are going back to England tonight, as it's 4 am now, and I was found in the house about half an hour before I woke up after relieving a weird phone call from a number which could not be traced giving them warning to stay out of America, Dan traced the my phone and found me with the help of the police.

The person I saw that was dead was one of my friends, when I told the officers this, they said I had bad concision, and that I was seeing things, as I was the only other person in the house. I was sure I saw Jonah on the floor., lifeless.


We sat on the plane, my head spinning, but the blood was from a open cut I had on my forehead, one that I must have got when the person- Jake had me at his house. The police new everything about him raping me, they advices to live like normal and go back to England, they have placed CCTV around the house we are now living in, and by that, they mean outside so we still have privacy, and the airports have locked down on letting people on planes a lot more, as they are scared he might be coming after me.


I lay in the British bed, awake. Alone. I wanted to see Dan, but I was scared he didn't want to see me, I mean I have been raped and chucked around like a piece of meat, does he want some messed up child.

I knocked on his door and waddled in.

'Couldn't sleep either?' He whispered, shuffling so I could lay next to him.

I climbed in, and cuddled into his chest, feeling his soft skin against mine. 'Do you hate me.' I mumbled.

'What gave you that idea!' He spoke, shocked.

'I just am scared you think I'm not worth all this hassle.' I replied, stroking Dan's arm.

'Oh, you have had a stressful few days, but I can assure you that I flipping love you and would die trying to get you if anything ever happened, you are never living me because I'm never going to allow it.' He kissed my cheek. 'Now rest, you need sleep Philly.'

'Goodnight,' I giggled,

'I love you Philip Lester.'

'And I love you Daniel Howell.'

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