Chapter 14 - Regrets

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'PHIL?' I heard, opened my eyes, to find Dan with my mum. His face looked so dreadful. Guilt ran through my veins. 'PHILIP LESTER WE ARE LEAVING!' My mum shouted.

I stood up and ran towards the door, but before whispering a quick goodbye to Jake.

I climbed into the back of the car, as Dan jumped into the front, with his tear scarred face.

'You are never seeing that boy again.' My mum grumbled.

'And why not?' I replied.

'You left poor Daniel as soon as you got to the party, and Jake got you pissed. You wake up next to your best friend, wrapped up against eachother in your boxers!' She shouted.

'I was happy to be back.'

'You could have come back before when I offered but you insisted not. I hope you are pleased with yourself, Dan had to walk home at 11pm and didn't find our house till around 2am!'

'He could have stayed..'

'YOU SAID YOU WOULD BE TWO HOURS, he came home crying, Phil you are grounded I'm taking all your electrics away, your xbox, ps3 and your phone. I'll turn off the internet so you can use your laptop just for work.'

'Why? That's so fucking unfair!'

'Don't use rude language with me!' She cried out.

The car went silent, with the occasional sniff form Dan.


'Phil, go to your room. Dan if you like we can put Phil's xbox in the lounge, you can play on it until dinner?'

'Yes please.' He whispered.

'Go up with Phil, he can show you the games he has and I'll come and set it up for you in a second' my mum smiled.

We walked up the stairs in silence, Dan lacking behind me. We walked into my room and I pointed towards the games. He pulled out FIFA, GTA, Farcry and Assassins creed. 'Thanks.' He mumbled, his voice barley audible.

'Look, Dan. I-'

'I don't want to hear the excuses you come up with.' He whispered, shuffling towards the door and out.

I lied on my bed, thinking, why do I always make the mistakes. Why am I such a fuck up. What did I do to get left with the messed up life.

I decided to read, although I hated books more than anything, it was better than letting my thoughts drown me. I pulled out, John Green's - The Fault In Our Stars, a very well known book. I brought it a while back, but I never seemed to get into it.

I opened the first page, I hated the beginnings of books, they where so pointless introductions are the worst; if I ever wrote a book, I would have a page with a list of the characters, and an illustration of what they look like and a one like sentence about them to base there personally, the next page would have a map of where they lived so you could visualise while reading, and the drama would happen straight away.

After a few hours, I heard my mother call me down, following her voice, the sent of burgers grew stronger, entering the room. My mum was there, with Dan laying the table and plating out the food. My brother and sister sitting at the table and my dad changing the radio station.

Is at down, silence.

Slowly, my mum brung food to the table, me getting my plate last.

We all ate in silence, with only the sound of the radio playing which just about blocked out the loud chewing of my brother who ate like a dog.

'After dinner, you are going to have a shower, pack your bag and go to bed Phil.' My mum instructed.

'Awesome.' I spoke, I was to busy thinking about the book, I was up to the bit where she just met Gus outside of the cancer talk place. It was a lot better than I thought it would be.

'Have you even apologised to Dan?'

'Yes he has.' Dan spoke quickly before I could reply.

'Good, glad you have some sort of respect left in you.' She mumbled, before taking another mouthful of food. I glared at her, you aren't exactly miss perfection.

Once dinner was over, I walked slowly up to my room, I grabbed a change of clothes I could use as pyjamas and shuffled into the bathroom, upon entering I was greeted with Dan brushing his teeth. 'Sorry, I' he mumbled, before spitting and scurrying out the room quickly. He went from being mad, to afraid of me...

Once I had my shower, I dried off. The time was 10.00pm, it was quite early. So I decided to just lay in bed.

Time past.

A lot of time.

It was 3.00am, I decided to see if Dan was awake, to try sort things out even a little.

I pushed open the door, 'hello? Dan?' I whispered, walking to his bed and sitting down beside it.

I forgot the mention, Dan asked to sleep in a different room, so my mum let him sleep in my brothers room, and my brother is sleeping on the floor in my sisters, he didn't mind, he spends his life on club penguin and gets better signal in her room.

'Wha?' He groaned, as I pushed him over, and lay down next to him. 'Phil?'

'Yeh... Dan can we talk.' I asked.

'No, I want to sleep.' He whispered, shuffling down into his covers and wrapping his arm around mine.

'Do you want me to leave or?'

'No, stay let me cuddle you please, I was cold before.'

'Okay, I'm sorry.' I whispered, cuddling down into the bed, his arm lay over my shoulder as mine clutched his rib cage, we where strangely comfortable. His body heat warming me.

'Its fine, I understand, you where drunk.' He mumbled.

'I love you Dan, jake is nothing, I will call him tomorrow on your phone, and I will tell him that I'm going out with you, that you are my best friend and my only true frien-'

'You talk to much.' Dan giggled, before pressing his lips against mine, the touch I was longing to feel.

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