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I went off to my room in silence. 

I feel a strong hand gently grabbing me and turn me around to see that it's Kane again.

"I don't think you get it. I really like you."

I sigh and look to see if anyone else is in the hallway eavesdropping. "It was one night."

"Yeah but you think I could just forget it like that?"

"Yes, that's what you do. I mean that's what your most notorious to do."

"You stopped talking to me!"

I grabbed him and let him into my room. I close the door behind me, locked it, and looked back at him. He was sitting on the bed with his hands in his head and I didn't know how to go about it.

There's this one night when me and Kane we're alone in my house. He was there only to drop off a book and so I let him come inside. There was no book in his hand and he had this kind of look in his eye where he needed to say something very important. But he didn't say anything. He grabbed my head into his hands and pulled me in for a big kiss. I pushed him away finally simply because  I didn't understand where this is coming from but secretly, I didn't want to it to stop.

I remember him telling me that he really had feelings for me ever since the day he met me.

And of course, with his sweet words, we went up into my room. After what happened in my room he pulled his pants up, and with one kiss on my forehead he was gone forever. 

And that's why it was awkward when  went to school together.

I got mad at the thought and looked at him. "You have no right to talk to me right now. You know what, get out. There's no point in talking to you."

"Can you please just hear me out? Then you can go back to hating me. The only reason why was awkward was because I messed up, I shouldn't of done it like that, I just needed you in that moment and I was so vulnerable and so sad and hurt because my parents were splitting up and in the other hand my heart was throbbing for you.

But I do love you Regina, I always have. I just felt so embarrassed to pin you in a corner."

"Oh." I say.

"It's useless. I'll just go."

I feel myself stop him from going. He looks back at me and he gives me the same look he did the night he came to my house.

He grabs my face and brings me close to his body. He looks into my eyes, then back down to lips, and back up to me, sort of like asking me if he can kiss me. I nod slowly and our lips crash together. Our noses are hit against each other but if doesn't bother me.

I grab a piece of his hair and gently pull on it. He pushes us back, I hit the back on the bed with the back of my leg almost falling. He grabs me closer to him not letting me go.

I then push him away.

He touches his lips and turns around. I know his face matches mind. Excitement and happiness.

He sits on the edge of the bed while I stand up.

I can't help myself. 

I push myself between his legs and he grabs onto me. I push him down onto the bed and he lies on his back.

I place my hand under his shoulder and gently pull it up.

Then a violent knock hits the front door and it sent us both to jump.

I get off of him and he stands up. I open the door but Kane pulls me close to him. He puts me behind him and walks forward into the hall. I put my arm around his waist and walk with him.

We tiptoe into the living room. No one else has heard it which made it even more scary. We saw the door get hit again.

"Stay back." He whispers.

I nod and stand next to the couch. He looks through the peephole.

"I don't see anything." He whispers and then he screams.

I jump rushing to him, and try to see what he's looking at. The others wake from their slumber and start rushing to the living room to see what all the commotion is about.

"Oh god!" Kane sighs.

Everyone else screams what's going on but I'm not able to answer. Kane opens the door and we all see Jess behind it.

"What the hell?" Danielle says. "Didn't you go to sleep?"

"I did," she says. "I just couldn't go to sleep so I went to go look for Maya. I was walking down by the pier and I missed a step and I fell and started bleeding."

The lights were off so we wouldn't really couldn't tell what she was talking about until Danielle turns on the light to seeing one bloody Jess.

Danielle rushes to the kitchen and grabs a cloth. She puts it on Jess's wound.

"Guys, really I'm fine. Thank you though. Go back to sleep and we will file some police reports or something tomorrow to find Maya."

We all nod in unison and go back to our rooms.

I go into my room without saying a word to Kane simply because I don't know what to say. I lock the door and lie down.

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