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I get inside the house. I'm not alone. I hear my mothers singing in the kitchen and follow it. I see her and rush over to her. I hug her tightly and she stands there shocked.

"So I'm guessing you missed me?" She smiles.

"Why do you leave like that?"

"You know why, Regina. I have to." She sighs.

"Where are the girls?"

"With your father,"

"My father?"

"It's the last time. We're finally going to get a divorce. I asked for one."

"Are you serious? You guys can't just fix it up?"

"Fix what up?" She turns her body to the refrigerator and pulls out a Tupperware full of strawberries.

"Your marriage."

"There's nothing to fix. It's done, Regina. I thought you wanted that."

"I want a normal family!" I yell.

My mother turns around and gives me her famous mad look. "Lower your voice."

"You can't even just pretend your happy?"

"I've been doing it for the last twenty years. What more do you want?" She sighs. "I'm leaving again."

"Of course," I mutter.

"The girls will be with your father in Arizona. I will be in Chicago. I need some time."

"Wha–and–and me? Just because I graduated doesn't mean I'm ready to just be a grown up. You didn't even make it to my graduation. The nanny went. The freaking nanny."

My mother looks up at the ceiling and sighs. "I'm sorry, Regina. You knew what the situation was like."

I look down and see a blue luggage. She's ready and packed. Didn't even care what my opinion was.

"Yeah." I sigh.

I go upstairs and walk into my room. It's quiet. Then I hear the door slam. I walk over to the window and see her reverse down the driveway.

I lie down on my phone and go on my phone. I call Kane and invite him over. He's a good distraction and Zac said I had to bring him close.

I go downstairs and open a bottle of vodka. I push it down my throat, almost throwing up and drink three more full glasses. I feel a little dizzy and my head starts to hurt.

Now don't ask my why vodka. It was there. The taste was horrible but I needed to be calm.

I hear a knock on the door. I take another gulp of my fourth drink and walk to the door.

It's Kane.

"Kane!" I say. "Welcome to my humble abode." I throw my arms around his neck.

"Oh, someone's drunk."

"I'm not drunk!" I laugh. "Me? Drunk? It can't happen. I'm a good girl."

"I guess I'll just babysit you then." He smiles.

He grabs me from my waist and pulls me close to him.

"I know you're a little drunk, but I'm glad to see you. I missed you."

My heart flutters.

"I missed you!"

He smiles. "So, what are we going to do?"

I shrug giving him a sheepish smile. He picks me up, putting his arms behind the back of my leg and puts me on one shoulder. He throws me on top of the couch and turns on the television. One of those old movies are playing and he sits down next to where he threw me. He pats his leg and I pull myself close to him. I lay my head on his leg. He runs his hands through my hair and I feel the weight of my eyes crashing down on me.

I wake up and see that I'm in my bed. I look down and see I have no pants on. I look to my side and Kane is sitting up watching the television. I turn around quickly and cringe. A pain vibrates through my skull and I wince.

"Man–" I begin to say.

He's asleep. I gently shake him and he awakes.

"What happened?"

"Why are my pants off? Did we?"

"You were sweating."


"Yeah. Can I ask you something?"


I look over to my side and see a glass of water and two pills. I grab them without asking if they're for me and chug down the pill with the water.

"Why do you push me away?"

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