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"OKAY, LETS PLAY!" Jess shouts.

We all sat around in a big circle with a bottle placed in the middle. Jess and Michael were plastered, and everyone else, including me, was sober.

I spun the bottle and it landed on Danielle.

"Next," Jess said. "There's not enough boys to play with!"

"Maybe we should play truth or dare." Zac suggested.

"Sounds great," I said. "So, Danielle, truth or dare."


"Okay, is it true that you still have an A in french."

Danielle glared at me, but laughed. I always wanted to know if Danielle was lying when she said she had a ninety-seven percent in the class.

"No it's not true, I have a eighty-nine point four percent."

"I knew it!"

"Oh whatever, Reg! Okay, I'll spin," she spun the bottle and it hit Michael. "Truth of dare?"

"Dare." Michael challenged.

"I dare you to kiss Jessica."

Oh, no.

Michael didn't hesitate to push his tongue down Jess's throat. It was so weird, and so gross, that I couldn't bare to look at them eat each other alive. They both stood up, still kissing, and walked to the other room.

So, it was just the three of us.

Zac spins the bottle points to me.

"Truth or dare?" Zac asks.

"Truth." I was not about to do some crazy dare.

"True that you and Kane did the nasty a little while ago?"

"What? No!"

"So, if I'm being correct, you guys didn't hook up while we were down at the beach?" Zac asked.

"No, we did not." I say.

"Why not?" Asked Danielle.

I seriously didn't understand why they cared so much. Any of them. I mean was that at all they cared about? I'm not an asexual person, but seriously is that what they thought about me that I just hook up with anyone?

But then again I couldn't really blame them that they would think something like that..

"I'm going to catch some sleep." I said standing up.

"We were just asking, Reg," Zac said. "You don't have to get anal about it. I mean why are you so hard up on this?"

And that one time it hit me. Zac was a total ass. I mean, why was he even asking this type of stuff, and then to ask if I was anal about something so big, got me even more pissed.

"Zac, seriously?"

Paul entered the house quite and  with Kane and interrupted our conversation– which was soon to be a fight. Where was Maya?

"Hey Paul," I said half-heartedly. I sat back down where I was seated.


"Where's Maya?" Danielle questioned.

"She, uh, I don't know."

I looked up at Paul, like everyone else. "You don't know?"

"Well, I mean, she left. We were talking, having a good time, and then she just, uh, like, you know, left." Kane said.

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