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I dial her phone one last time and she still doesn't answer.  I pace back and forth around the living room.

"Jesus," I mutter.

"Maybe she just doesn't want to be found." Zac says.

"Is that so? So do we just give her what she wants or do we do something about it Zac?" I ask irritatedly.

"Look, we all want her to come back, it's ruining our weekend, but what are we going to do when she doesn't want to come back. What if she's already home?" Danielle says.

I dial Maya's mother and wait for her to answer. Finally, on the fourth ring Maya's mother picks up. I place the phone down and put it on speaker.

"Hello?" Maya's mother spoke.

"Hi, Mrs. Sanchez, it's me, uh, Regina."

"Hi, Regina. How's your guys weekend going so far?"

"Pretty bad."

Zac shook his head, telling me not to ruin her weekend either, but she had to know.

"Do you know if Maya came home anytime last night?"

"Isn't she with you guys?" She's asks with a worried tone.

I don't want to say it. I really don't. But I have to at least let her mother what is happening.

"Maya's missing." I blurt. "We've went everywhere for her and we just can't find her."

"You what?"

Zac speaks up. "Hello, Mrs. Sanchez, what Regina is saying is that yesterday she went down by the pier, but we can't find her. But, a few people did say they saw her, so she's safe, we just wanted to know if she's home."

"No-no, wait Maya is missing? You guys haven't found her? Who was she last with?"

"Us, ma'am." Zac sighs.

"Okay." She calms down a bit. "Okay. How could you guys just miss her? Did she leave? You guys do understand she's eighteen, She's a minor, how could you guys just leave her?"

"We didn't leave her," I speak up. "She left us."

"I'm calling the police. Something you guys should of done the minute you didn't find her."

"Ma'am-" Zac wanted to calm her down but she hung up, leaving Zac aggravated.

He stood up and turns his body to me. "Do you understand that we are not supposed to be here? I didn't get the fucking okay to be here, Regina. Now, the fucking police are going to want to contact my parents."

"My parents don't even know I'm here! We are eighteen, Zac, and they don't have to know where we are all the time. It's more where we last seen her."

"Fuck, Regina! You can't just listen to me. What is the fucking police going to do– what are my parents going to do? God, you ruin everything."

"Zac," Danielle mutters.

"What? You got something to say?"

"Just lets calm down. We didn't do anything wrong." Jess sighs.

"Oh no. You don't do anything Jess! When someone needs your help you just fuck any guy when you feel it's time, and pick on people." Zac says.

"Fuck you, asshole. I did something the other night!–"

"–Where the fuck is Paul and Kane?" Zac asks ignoring her.

I silently applaud in my head. Someone had to tell her.

"Kane went out to eat, Paul is still searching for her." I say.

What is Paul running from?

I shake my head trying to figure out what the hell it was. But it was like he didn't want us to know something. As if, if we found out whatever it was, we wouldn't like what it was.

When this goes to the police, I will be in so much trouble. Imagine what will happen when my parents find out I'm apart of something like this. Even worse. That I lied to my mother so easily to tell her I would be at Danielle's home.

I walk to my room silently and start packing up my things. I packed everything: shoes, socks, shirts, and other things.

I walk back into the living room and pick up my keys.

"Where are you going?" Zac asked.


"Why?" Jess asks.

"Like Zac said, I ruin everything. So, I'll just go. I'll deal with the cops from home or something, I don't know, but I can't stay in here anymore. When my parents find out, I'm dead."

"You can't just leave us though. Shit. What if they notify my parents?" Zac says.

"Then we say something. You know Zac, I bet you would do everything in your power to find Danielle." I say.

"I would do if for you two, all of you, but what if it's something so little? What if she shows up or something?"

I pull my suitcase and walk out the front door.

"It's not a chance I'm willing to take."

Everyone here was scared of getting caught, scared of finding out maybe there was something wrong with Maya.

I wasn't going to sit in the house while everyone yelled at me for getting Zac in trouble, when in reality, it's Maya who was the problem. She was gone and we weren't doing anything but freaking out about it.

Zac ran out of the back door and to my car. "Just wait okay? Please."

"I don't want to be here anymore, Zac. This is not fun."

"Of course it's not fun! Im sorry, okay? I'm just..."


"Yes, scared." He admitted with shame. "I-I don't want to think about bad things. This is supposed to be our week."

"Let's just go home, Zac. Okay?"

He nodded his head.

I lock the doors that I opened and walk outside back into the beach house.

Zac had notified that everyone should pack up and they all agreed. Everyone was running around cleaning, picking up, throwing away any little thing that gave us a sign that we were here in the house.

Paul and Kane didn't come back, so we cleaned up their spots as well.

We even decided to make up our story.

We came to the beach on Friday to bonfire. We all played football, ate hot dogs, had the time of our lives. Maya walked down to shore and splashed around with the water.

We were at the beach till one in the morning, we waited for Maya to come back, but there was no sign of her. So, we decided to sleep in Zac's home. We texted her the address and then we never received a text back from her.

We called her mother to see if she had went home, but her mother panicked saying no she didn't, and called the police.

It was the perfect plan and we were going along with it.

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