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I wake up to a gloomy and sad sky: just like me. I wish I hadn't woke up, or ever woke up. I roll over to one side contemplating whether or not if I should get up and start the day.

I grab my cell phone that's placed on the dresser of my bed and look to see if I have any feed.


I scroll through my contacts and immediately dial, without thinking, Michael's number.

Immediately he responded. "Regina! How is it-are you alright? We've been worried sick! And just-"

"Stop." I say. I don't want to hear it anymore.

"What's wrong?"

"Everything is wrong, Michael. My mind has been expunged, so will you please-just don't mess with me right now, tell me what has happened, what I missed. Help me remember."


"I know about Maya." I say interrupting him.

"You do?"

"Zac screamed at me telling me that she's dead and that I saw how it is she looked like."

"What the hell is wrong with him?" He barked.

"Let's just continue please."

"Well, the detectives have been all over the case."

"Have they come up with anything?"

"No. No body marks, no body prints. Nothing."

"So then it was obviously planned very well. How can I contribute?"

"You were just in a car accident, Reg, what you'll be doing is laying there and getting all the rest you can. Kane and Paul have been missing and the cops are searching for them."

"You all of a sudden seem to care to my health?" I scoffed. "Why is that you never visited me at the hospital? Why was it only Zac?"

"I stayed there, Regina. They said you were getting released so I went home to get a change of clothes. You know I would be there. Everyone was there, well except Jess."

"Why didn't she want to see me?"

"I don't know, Reg." He sighed.

"Whatever. It doesn't matter. Let's just work on this. Let's help them."


"So, if Maya perfectly died-like if nothing happened, it was planned. We just have to search for gloves or some type of stuff."

"We're not detectives."

"I'll go by myself then."

"No, wait, I'm just saying. If we find something then what?"

"We give it to the detectives. Who's the one who got hit?"

"Shut up. Fine. I'll pick you up in ten. Get ready."

And so I get ready. I put on everything black: shoes, shirt, even underwear. I grab my satchel and place it across my chest.

After I'm done, I walk to the front door, closing it behind me, and watch as Michael's car approaches. I rush up to his car and we drive off.

"So, where are we going?"

"Where was Maya last seen?"

"The beach."

"Well let's head over there. How long will it take us?"

"An hour or so."

"Okay, let's go."

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