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"You've reached your destination."

I put the car into park and jump out of the car. I see Zac's car placed on the sidewalk. I go up to the house and knock on the door.

No one seems to be here.

I knock on it again, but no one. I turn the knob and it opens up. I walk in cautiously. I look both sides before going all the way in. I turn left into a grand hallway and then make another right. I see a line of doors closed, all but one.

I remember this house and I remember that his room was the second one, the one that is opened. However, no one is talking. I open it and I see Zac standing before Paul as he sleeps. Zac just looks at him.

The door makes a sound and Zac's face shoots over to me. He looks down at the floor and back to Paul.

Then Paul wakes up.

"What the..." He says groggily. "What are you guys going here?"

"You think you can fuck with us?" Zac says.

"What?" Paul says.

"Do you think you can fuck with me?"

"Man you're crazy. Regina what the fuck? You brought you boyfriend here to do what, beat me up?"

"Shut the fuck up!" Zac barks.

I jump back. I've never heard Zac yell that way at anyone. My body starts shaking.

I don't even know why we are here. To do what, punch Paul till he gets knocked out? Even that will get us nowhere.

"Alright man," he says.

"Why are you texting Regina as Maya? What kind of joke are you playing?"

"Joke? I'm sleeping. How could I of–"

Before he can even respond, Zac punches him.

I gasp and then jump. I pull Zac off of him as he grabs Paul by the collar.

"You're crazy!"

"Why are you texting her?"

"As–as a joke! It was a joke! You guys were looking for Maya and I just thought it could be a joke!"

"You went through Regina's phone, changed your contact name with hers all for a joke? Do you mistaken me as some kind of fucking idiot?"


"Zac–" I start to say.

"I'm telling the police everything. You fucked up, royally. Once we find Maya you're done. Do you hear me Paul?"

"You can't do that! It's a fucking joke!" He spits. Blood trickles down his nose.

"What is–get off of my son!" A man says.

I turn around and see Paul's father rush into the room. He pushes me out of the way making me fall to the ground and grabs Zac.

"What in the hell!" His father yells.

"Your son has been messing around with us. One of our friends is missing and he is playing around."

"Missing? Is it that Maya gal?"

"Yes," I say, getting up from the floor.

"She showed up the other day." His father says nonchalantly, "but coming here and trespassing is a criminal offense." He lets go of Zac.

"The door was open," I say.

"Doesn't make it right. Paul get up and get ready we have to press charges on these kids."

"You can't do that." I say.

"What?" Pauls father says looking at me.

"It's not a criminal offense to trespass. Plus, you never told us to leave." I say crossing my arms in front of me.

I remember long ago Michael's mother said something along those lines when she spoke for my criminology class.

"I–" he began to speak.

"I can, however, get you in trouble for pushing me down, breaking my leg, and making me bleed."

"Your leg is not broken,"

"Ow! Ow!" I say, feigning that my leg is severely hurt. I put my hand on my shin and bounce on one leg.

Paul's father looks frustrated. He has nothing to say.

"No one will believe you,"

"Explain the bruise," I say showing him the purple bruise.

"Just get out now!" He yells.

I grab Zac by the hand and we rush quickly out of the house. I tell him to meet me at the park and we both drive off.

I park my car and go directly to Zac's car.

Zac sits there with his hands on his laps and his face foreword.

"What do you think we should do?" I say.

"I really don't know, Regina."

Then a sudden smell lingers through the air and it hits me. "What's that awful smell?"

"I don't know. I've actually been wondering, but I guess it's when the guys took my car and drove it. There's all kinds of trash and I'm not cleaning it up."

I look into the car and see bottles of water and chips laying around.

"So are we going to the police?" Zac questions.

"Do you remember the plan?"

"Somewhat. Hey, are we going to tell the others?"

"I don't know. It's weird Kane was in my house before you left–"


"We made up I guess, but nothing happened. Anyway, he left me a note before he jumped out of the window and he –"

"He jumped out the window?"

"I'm guessing, but I know for sure he didn't come down stairs."

"Regina he would of broke his legs. It's not like he's superman or something. Wait–you don't think he might of deleted the text? Also, what if he's still inside your house?"

"Something is totally wrong, Zac. The night Jess supposably went out to look for Maya, she came back with a bloody leg, but then I saw her the next day and no cuts, no bruises, nothing."

"How come you didn't tell me?"

"At first I thought it was weird, but I don't know all these events came and I couldn't really talk to you."

"We're going to the police and we're going to say the whole truth."

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