3 - rumors

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Sorry for any mistakes.

Luke's POV

I was mentioned on tv. Me. I was watching the 5SOS interview on tv this morning and I almost died. Now they are going to start rumors. And by they I mean the fans. Great.

I was lost in my thoughts when I heard my phone buzz. It was from Calum.

C: hey Lukey:) what's ur phone #

My eyes widened and my heart stopped. We have been talking for almost a month. I grabbed my phone and called Amy, opening Twitter on my laptop.

(Amy, Luke)

'Hey Luke'

'Hey. Listen' I rushed out 'Calum may or may not have asked me for my phone number and I'm freaking out'

'Wait what?! He so likes you! I told you! Ha!'

'Well, do I give him my number or not?'

'Of course! This is Calum fûçkïng Hood we are talking about!'

'Okay. I trust you'

I opened my dm's with Calum and typed in my number

L: *** *** **** ur welcome:-)

C: thx, babe ;)

L: don't call me babe

C: y? Does it make u blush? ;)

L: pff...no...

C: aw it totally does! Ur so adorable.

L: shut up

C: what if I don't want to

C: babe ;)

L: ugh I hate u

C: no u don't :(

L: yep. I do. With a burning passion

C: ;(

L: oh stop crying u big baby. Of course I don't

C: I can't be a baby

L: and why not

C: because that spot is already taken

C: by u :*

L: :-(

C: now u know what it feels like to be sad

L: oh I know how it feels to be sad. And it feels a hell of a lot worse than that.

C: Luke that's not what I meant

L: what did you mean then? Because I'm pretty sure I know what being sad is like, and it's not even close to this. U know I thought u were different.

L: I thought u understood how I feel, and what it feels like to be hurting sometimes, but I guess I was wrong.

I started to feel tears pouring out of my eyes and I couldn't stop it. I was home alone, so I was balling my eyes out.

Ring, ring

My phone started to ring and I picked it up without checking who it was, trying my best to stop crying.

'H-hello?' I said.

'Stop crying, love. It breaks my heart.'

It was Calum. I froze for a second before I couldn't hold it in any longer. I let out a shaky sob and started talking.

'I can't take it anymore Calum. Nobody understands how I feel and nobody cares enough to listen to me.'

'I care, babe. I'm here for you, ok? If you ever feel sad or angry or happy, you can always text me. I'll try and reply to you. Just know that there are people who care. Everyone who has put you down are jerks and they don't know how to deal with their own emotions and what's going on with them. You don't deserve this, I know, but this is the time to grow stronger. Don't listen to what they say because none of it is true. Don't be who they want you to be. Be yourself. Listen to yourself and act like yourself because no one else can be you but you.'

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