12 - i do too

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i'm writing this for shelby bc i sent this to her and she read every chapter in an hour and wants an update.

might stop doing this but;
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"Don't you dare fucking cry, Hemmings. You're gonna make me cry and we're in front of all these fans." Calum said to Luke as they were hugging. Luke's head was buried in Calum's neck, both of the boys holding the other tightly.

"You're so mean to me. My boyfriend is leaving me for who knows how long, so I think i have the right to cry." Luke pulled his head away from Calum with a frown.

Calum rolled his eyes and put Luke's head back where it was, keeping his hand on his head while lightly rubbing it with his fingers. Dave called for the boys to get ready to get on the plane.

The two boys separated again, dropping their intertwined hands by their sides. They stared into each other's eyes, which is something they've been doing a lot these past couple days, seeing as they aren't going to be able to see each other for at least a few months.

"Alright, I know you guys need to say goodbye, but our flight was just called, and they need us to line up in the next minute or two." Dave came up to them and said.

Calum turned back to Luke to cup his face, leaning in with his eyes close and placing a chaste kiss on his lips. He pulled away and, yet again, looked into his eyes.

Should I do it? he thought while squinting his eyes at Luke.

Luke scrunching his eyebrows asked, "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Fuck it.

"I love you."

"Terminal 9, your flight is now boarding. Terminal 9, now boarding." The lady on the intercom said.

"C'mon, then. We gotta go." Dave said while grabbing Calum's arm. Luke stared at him in shock and confusion.


"You don't have to say it back, but just know that I do, okay?" Calum said after he realized Luke wasn't saying anything. Luke just nodded and gave him a small tight lipped smile.

Calum was dragged away by Dave, and as he entered the hallway to the plane (is that what its called? do you know what i'm trying to say???), he turned to look back at Luke who was standing there dumbfounded.


Luke's POV

I watched Calum get pulled away and stared in awe. What just happened. Why didn't I say it back? Do I not love him? I thought I did, but maybe that's just the fan in me.

He was getting closer to the entrance, don't look back, Calum. Don't do it. Don't be clich– oop. he did it.

I just stared at him, emotionless, as he made his way down the ramp until he disappeared.

I turned around. The fans that were there started to clear out, but some still had their phones out and were taking pictures of me.

I'm never going to get used to that. It doesn't make sense to me, i'm not the famous one.

"Luke! Can I get a picture with you?"
"Oh my gosh Luke what's it like dating Calum?"
"Don't worry. You'll see each other soon."

I kept my head down while walking passed all of them.

"Not soon enough." I mumbled before i was out the airport doors.


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