8 - the date

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(lmao starting small)
I will start posting more if the goals are hit cuz why not

picture of the fort thing in the media


Luke's POV
I walk up to the door and notice a note taped on it. Written in messy writing on the front was my name and inside was a note.

My dearest Lukey Pookey Pants,
I know this seems cliche... because it is but I'm doing it anyway. When I first saw your Twitter, I just about shit myself at how attractive you looked. Not that you're not attractive now I mean you are but wow. You were so hot. I also felt really sad because you were sad but those people are dicks and they don't know the real you. Well this is starting to get long so let's go one with it. When you open the door, follow the trail...

I felt the stupid smile on my face grow larger as I opened the door to see a lane of red rose petals on the floor leading me to what I assume to be our date.

I start walking and eventually end up in the living room where a giant fort was built.

"You like it?" Calum asks as he comes out from behind the fort, holding a single white rose. I smiled and nodded my head and walked over to him.

He instantly wrapped his arms around my waist as I wrapped mine around his neck.

"Yes. It's perfect. I didn't think you would be the cliche type, Hood." I said, pulling back slightly to look in his eyes. We stared at each other for a moment before he leaned down and kissed my lips.

It was a short and sweet kiss, instantly missing the feeling when he pulled away.

"Learn something new everyday, don't ya?" Calum told me. He loosened his hold on me and held the rose in between us. "For you, my prince."

I giggled and took the flower. "How thoughtful."

"Alright, so the plan is a movie marathon with pizza." I giggled, once again, at his excitement and looked at the fort.

"How did you make this? It's so good."

"Wow, you're just learning more and more about me aren't you, babe? I thought that fans knew more about me than I did?" He said and raised an eyebrow, a small smirk appearing on his plump lips. I hit his chest and chuckled at him.

"Whatever. Can we go in now?" His dark brown eyes looked at my blue ones fondly. The smirk that was previously on his face was now a big grin.

"Yeah, come on," he told me, "The entrance is here just try not to kick that chair or else the whole thing will fall." Calum lifted up the blue sheet and pointed to the wooden chair on my right as I walked in.

The sight in front of me caused me to gasp. This is tumblr as fuck.

"Cal it's...it's so amazing how did you do all of this?" I asked in amazement.

"Well I was thinking of who was gonna be sitting in it and knew it had to be the best." Calum replied.

"You're full of all kinds of cheesiness tonight." I giggled. The maori boy smiled at me and chuckled.

"Let's get movie night started, shall we?"

I nodded in response and went all the way in, Calum following suit. He was setting up the computer and pulled out the movies.

"Oh my god, Happy Feet?! I love that movie!" I yelled excitedly. (a/n I almost said mean girls but happy feet was the shit)

"I figured you would," Calum said and put the movie in the computer, placing the laptop on a box that was in front of us. I sat back and eyes the boy next to me out of the corner of my eye.

Should we cuddle? I feel like that's what you do in these situations. Fuck it.

I leaned in closer to him and nuzzled my face into his chest. He sighed contently and wrapped his arms around me. Slowly but surely, I let a wide grin spread across my face. I liked this.

*2 hours and 2 movies later*
Calum's POV
Luke and I have been laying in each other's arms for two hours, enjoying the other's company. There was a now empty pizza box in between us with some crust left in it.

"Hey, Cal?" I heard Luke say.


"I really enjoyed this," he said looking up to me as I looked down at him, "thank you."

"Thank you for agreeing." I told him. We both stared at each other for a moment and I could feel us leaning in.


Luke kicked the wooden chair causing the plastic one next to me fall on my head, along with everything else.

I could hear Luke's giggling through all of the blankets that were on me.

"Are-are you okay?" He asked between his fits of giggles. I felt the blankets being taken off my face and was soon met with Luke's cute face.

"No," I mumbled out, it being slightly muffled by my hands that were over my face.

"Aw, I'm sorry babe." He said. Babe. He called me babe. A small smile made an appearance on my face and I stifled a laugh.

"It's okay." I told him. Luke placed one of his hands on the side of my face and rubbed my cheek with his thumb. His bright eyes roamed my face before stopping on my lips.

The two of us started leaning in.

This is really happening

I felt soft lips on my plump ones and smiled into the kiss. Slowly, we pulled away and opened our eyes.

"Calum Thomas Hood," Luke grinned, "I have been obsessed with you for as long as I can remember. But for some reason, I feel like I have learned more about you in these few months than I had before we started talking. Cal, will you be my boyfriend?"

"Awwwww," I smiled widely with a blush. "I really wanted to be the one to ask you, but that was really cute so I'll take it. Yes I will."

I pulled him in for another kiss. Damn. This is my life. And it's pretty great.
Sorry I haven't posted

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Thx for reading♥️
- Lizzie

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