Chapter 2

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      Tom didn't care about the collateral damage he did to the house or if he would be kicked out of yet another home; He just wanted to help Jerry. Of course, cats don't know where the rodent hospitals are, otherwise the evil felines would attack the poor and weak animals. The locations were kept secret, and only those part of the mouse messaging system knew where to look. This meant that Tom had to improvise. The gray cat decided to take Jerry to the normal regular Vet Clinic. He would go there all the time for his own injuries, and there had to be someone there that would be able to help his friend. Tom quickly wrapped his sleeping friend in a warm, fluffy towel, and the two set off for the hospital.

        Meanwhile, you were helping a young baby mouse with his broken arm. Everyone had to learn that mousetraps were bad sometime in their lives. You finally set the sling correctly, and the mother took her child home to rest. You waved goodbye before you began to clean up the hospital. You checked the sleeping patients to make sure they were healing, and you checked for any incoming rodents, but you didn't see any signals from your messengers. You finally began to relax. You kicked your feet up and lounged on a soft bed in the break room. Now, you only need to wait for your sub to come in for their shift. As you waited, you heard mumbled talking through the walls. Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it helped the mouse. 

        For one of the few times in your life, you caught sight of the infamous Tom the Cat. You didn't see any injuries on the feline, which made you confused. Everyone hated the vet; Why would the cat come to the clinic for no reason? You watched the human leave, probably to call the humane society about a lost cat. When she left, a white feline nurse by the name of Jinx led Tom to the secret back room. You began running through the hospital walls to catch up to the two cats. You reached a small peep hole for you to look through, and you watched the scene unfold through your small eye. 

        Tom gave a lightly wrapped object to the female feline. She inspected the item listening to Tom's explanation. You could only hear unclear mumbles from the two, but through body language, you got a broad statement. It seemed like the male cat had done something wrong, and hurt either himself of somebody else. He explained his story while using a pounding fist at the end. Jinx only shook her head in dismay and guilt. It seemed like she couldn't help in the situation. You could also see slight disgust in the cat's eyes; she must not have liked the story. 

        The two cats left the object carefully on the table, wrapped in a cozy blanket. When the feline's left the room, you took action. You ran another two feet, and up a few boards to the top of the table. You used the hidden hole behind the cotton swabs to enter the room. You carefully walked to the object, and almost cried at what you saw.

Jerry the Mouse, your hero and role model to mouse kind, was unconscious with the largest bump you had ever seen on his head

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