Chapter 12

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        You begin to awake once again, feeling a constant push on your shoulder. You can hear Nibbles grunting with effort, and you slightly nudge him to show you are up. You sit up and begin to rub the sleep from your eyes. You slowly crawl out of the warm glove and stand up on your small feet. You stretch your arms up into the air, feeling grateful for such a nice rest. As your mind still tries to fully awaken, you feel the young gray mouse tug on your arm. You look down at the tiny child and smile with a peaceful expression. You look around and notice that Jerry is no where nearby, and you begin to feel confused and curious. Nibbles points upwards near the passenger door where the brown mouse is walking along the arm rest. Buttons that control the locks and windows lay on the rest. You watch the mouse jump on one of the slick, black buttons and the window begins to roll downward to create an exit.

Nibbles leads you towards a hanging seat belt, and you begin to climb up to the leather cushions. From there, it's a high jump up to the arm rest. You gave the younger mouse a small lift before getting yourself to the platform. Then, you climb up again to the open window, where Jerry stands waiting for your arrival. Once you reach the top, you instantly rub your hands together trying to soothe your palms. The recent amounts of climbing you've been doing was definitely going to leave calluses on your paws. You assumed you would have to climb all the way back down as well. However, when you looked down at the outside world you became extremely relieved. Right below the three of you rested a perfectly formed pile of soft straw. It was like the farmers predicted you would come.

Nibbles is the first to jump, eager to land in the pile. He simply falls through the yellow plants, creating a small hole in the mountain. You look over at the brown mouse, who simply shrugs in response. You were slightly terrified, such a large jump down below. You suddenly felt reassurance when Jerry quickly grabs your hand and smiles in your direction. You did the same before looking back down at the straw below. In sync, the two of you hopped off the car door and into the air. Then, as you quickly descended downward, you were able to get a small look at the farm buildings. Although it was a quick glance since your vision was quickly covered by thousand sticks of straw. On your descent, you lost your hold on the brown mouse, and you were now alone in the darkened inside of the mountain.

You began clawing your way out of the thick crop, bits and pieces of straw getting knotted in your fur. It felt like a thick jungle, trying to make your way through overgrown plants and vines. Suddenly, you were able to see a small light in the distance. You quickly made your way out of the thick plants, running towards the window to the outside world. Finally, you escaped. You placed your hands on your knees and began to pant from the effort it took. You combed your hands through your fur and began dusting yourself off from the annoying golden straws of the stack. From behind, you heard a rustle coming from the pile. You quickly turned to see Jerry and Nibbles walking out of the yellow jungle as well.

You began to follow a small dirt path towards a old-fashioned barn. The red paint was crumbling off the decaying wood, making the structure look ancient to your eyes. It was definitely different than the tall business buildings of the city. You reached the door of the barn and the three of you tried to push the door a jar. You heard a shrill creaking noise as the large wooden door moved out of your way. You walked inside to see pitchforks, cows, pigs, and hay bales laying inside. The animals paid no heed to you and the other mice as they continued to chew their food with a bored expression on their faces. You took a few more steps inside, and twitched your nose. Your eyes scrunched up from a revolting smell that lingered in the air. You held your nose in a tight fist, looking over to see Jerry fanning the air and Nibbles gagging from the bitter fragrance.

You left the barn and shut the door, eager to get a whiff of fresh air. You filled your lungs with the clean oxygen, hoping to get out any of the leftover smell out of your nose and mouse. Once finished, you look at your surrounding for a longer look around. You could continue down the path towards the farm house, where a human farmer was sleeping with a straw hat covering his face. Or you could break off the path towards a white wooden fence where a horse stood on the opposite side. Neither of the choices seemed like a good idea, especially since you were on a mission to free Jerry of his amnesia.

Out of no where, you began to hear the sounds of splashing water. Confusion dawned on your face as you looked over at the other mice. Jerry looked just as confused as you did, but Nibbles simply looked around the corner of the barn. You watched his tail wag in excitement before he bolted along the barn wall towards the back of the structure. You and Jerry quickly followed behind, hoping that the young child wasn't going to get himself in any trouble. The gray mouse ran through some tall grass, and you instantly followed sue. Jerry pushed the thick weeds out of your way as he tried to reach his young nephew. Once you broke out of the thicket, you were surprised at the marvelous sight.

You reached a small pond of clear blue water. Cool mud rested around the collection of water, different animal prints imprinted in the sticky ground. Several nests rested a little way away with different eggs laying inside waiting to hatch. A mother duck was swimming quite a ways in the pond, teaching a bunch of baby duckling how to float on the pond. You heart pumped from all the cute babies that flapped their wings in happiness. However, one duckling suddenly got your eye. He was older than the others and he was waving his yellow-feathered wings in your direction.

"Jerry!!" the duckling shrieked, quickly making his way off the water and towards the three of you. He shook his tail feathers trying to dry the water off himself.

Jerry only looked at the small bird with frustrated confusion. He knew he was supposed to remember, but he simply couldn't place a name. The duckling only looked at him with pure happiness as he ran to the brown mouse and gave him a tight embrace. Still, the older mouse kept the same look on his face, trying as hard as he could to remember his connection to the animal. Noticing that the mouse wasn't giving the same greeting, the duck let go of his grip.

"Hope you didn't forget me already. We've had so many adventures together," the duckling stated still wearing a solid smile on his face.

You couldn't bare to see this heart-wrenching scene unfold, so you quickly explained. "I-I'm sorry little guy, but...Jerry's having a hard time remembering things right now."

The little duck looked at you with a mixed of disbelief and shock in his eyes. "But, Jerry could never forget me, little baby Quacker."

Finally giving up, Jerry solemnly looked at the baby bird with sadness reflect on his face. He shook his head, as if saying that he really couldn't remember anything about the little ducky that he used to know. Quacker gave a small gasp, tears threatening to spill from his eyes. Suddenly, the duckling grabbed a hold of the brown mouse's hand and began to lead him towards the barn. You and Nibbles quickly followed behind, wondering what had gotten a hold of the little duck.

Amnesia Jerry The Mouse x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora