Chapter 11

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Southbound Farms; you had heard of the place but never ventured far enough to see it. Southbound was not just a quiet, family-owned farm, but a booming business that supplied the humans with large ears of golden corn, gallons of sparkling white milk, and a mouse's favorite creamy cheese. You heard that many small rodents and birds would travel to the outskirts of the city just to relax in this safe haven. The humans were absolute vegetarians and animal activists. You even heard rumors that they would allow mice to dine on their tables!! Who wouldn't want to live there?

It was very easy to get to Southbound. All you had to do was wait for the delivery truck to stop at the grocery store before the rising sun. You waited with the two mice in a small storm drain. The drain was completely dry to your surprise, nor was there any stench to make your nose fall off. The three of you simply sat in the silent veil of black. There were still stars peeking out of the cement holes, but the exact time was unknown. The oddly quiet streets seemed to lull you to sleep, but your body resisted the desire. So much had happened in the recent past, and adrenaline was still keeping your eyes from fluttering shut. So, you simply stared up above and watch the space dance across the Earth. It gave you a calming mindset, and you felt relaxed. After a while, you began to feel your eyelids gain weight until they felt as heavy as a brick. You turned away from the shimmering white dots in the night sky, and you looked back at the two boys.

You smiled; Nibbles was dancing around in his little diaper as Jerry grinned . The young mouse's words echoed off the cement walls as he explained his story. You assumed it had to do with one of Jerry's exhilarating adventures. Hoping that the child's imagination and storytelling would keep you awake, you walked over to the two mice and sat beside Jerry. He welcomed you with a silent smile, one that you had grown very fond of. Nibbles continued his wild tall tale, however, you knew that every word and detail--while slightly stretched-- was probably true. There were times when Jerry faced rabid dogs, ferocious cats, and even some pretty ruthless humans. You all laughed together, shared your own stories, and kept each other awake as the stars sunk and the sun began to rise.

Hours seemed to pass within minutes as the horizon outside began to turn a bright shad a purple and pink. The stars had gone to sleep the day away. You were about to crash onto the floor in exhaustion, but luckily, a purr from a loud engine rang through your sensitive ears. It echoed down into the storm drain, making it seem like you were in the hood of the vehicle. The three of you climbed out of the sewers to find a black tire parked right in front of you. Brown shoes stepped out of the vehicle and towards the back of the delivery truck. You looked up to see a teenage boy, acne and all. He opened up the rolling-up door and began to take cardboard boxes and crates into the store behind you.

You and the other mice began to climb up the rubber tire. You would have to jump to one gray bolt after another until you reached the top of the black rubber wheel. From there, you latched your fingers onto the border of the truck. Finally, you ran towards the back of the truck and jumped in with the delicious farm-fresh products. You made your way to the back of the truck to hide from the delivery boy as he finished his daily errands. Once the teen finished unloading the cargo, he pulled the door down, latched the lock, and walked back to the driver's soft seat. You felt the truck shake and rumble to life as he started the engine. Nibbles slightly lost his footing and had to be brought back to his feet. Sadly, all of you began to tumble and collapse when the boy literally put the pedal to the metal. Luckily, you didn't roll all the way to the back of the truck. Instead, your heads and backs collided into a sturdy crate.

You back of the delivery truck was cold to the touch, dim as the unforgiving dark of death, and as uncomfortable as sleeping on a bed of nails. The only light that entered the back was from a small window in the front where the teen boy was pumping some horrendous music out of the stereo. All three of you wanted to sleep, but simply couldn't. Every time you exhaled, your breath would fog into a dense cold. You hugged your body as you desperately tried to keep what little heat you had. The youngest was shaking from the harsh cold; his little teeth chattering loudly for you and Jerry to hear. You couldn't stay in here for who knows how long, so you had to move to front class.

Jerry began to move some empty cardboard boxes towards the front of the truck. You immediately knew what he was planning and began to help. Little Nibbles just watched the two of you in confusion, curious as to what you were building. A castle? Snowfort? No, a staircase leading to the window. The three of you slowly climbed up the boxes with a little struggle due to your small height. You were able to slide the window open slightly, just enough for the three of you to jump into the driver's. Jerry closed the door after you before jumping down into the seat. The teen boy was busy bobbing his head to some kind of rock song, and he was oblivious to your presence. You simply stood there, feeling the warm area surround your body and bring feeling back to your bones.

After staying up all night with stories, feeling the soothing heat hug your body, and noticing the truck's sleep-inducing rocks and sways, you felt the absolute need to take a break. The other two males were the exact same, but you didn't know where. You jumped down to the floor of the vehicle and found a thick, warm beanie hat laying among the other scattered objects. You pulled the hat under the seats to avoid the teenage boys vision before climbing into the fabric. You even grabbed a very fluffy glove to act as a pillow for your heads. You could feel the trucks motions even more, almost like someone was rocking you to sleep. It surprised you when the boy turned off the radio; maybe he gave himself a headache from the whiplash. You didn't complain, though. Your eyes fluttered shut in an instant, and the three of you were able to doze off.

You awoke to someone touching the top of your head. You assumed it was either Nibbles or Jerry trying to wake you from your peaceful slumber. You slowly opened your eyes to a peculiar sight. You were no longer laying your head on the soft glove, but instead, a brown chest. Jerry's chin was resting atop your head with his eyes still shut tight in sleep. Nibbles as still sleeping as well, though he was a little distance away from the two of you. You blushed and began to ponder on how you even got to this position. Maybe the truck hit some bumps and rolled the two of you near each other. After that idea crossed your mind, you noticed that the truck was on longer moving. You turned your head slightly to see if the brown shoes were anywhere in sight, but they were gone. You must be at the farm.

You would've told the two boys that it was time to move, but you stopped yourself. You had only been sleeping for a little while, and you were all still lacking a good night's sleep. No one would find you in the truck, so why not sleep-in a little while longer. Of course, you didn't leave your spot; it wasn't just comfortable, but Jerry's beating heart gave you a steady rhythm to fall asleep to. Not to mention, the brown mouse seemed to be smiling with you in his arms. You shut your eyes, listened to the calming beats, and feel asleep once again.

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