Chapter 5

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With a plan in mind, you started taking action. You researched and asked around for locations of Jerry's greatest accomplishments and moments, hoping for a place that the brown mouse would remember. Of course, you tried finding places that were...safer. Sadly, most of those locations were either super dangerous or stood as a pile of rubble. With places going to be a dead-end, you decided to research some of the mouse's friends and colleges. Almost everyone loved Jerry; he must have some people in his life who would help him with his memories.

A few people you recognized seemed to be trustworthy and good friends of Jerry's. One was a small duck that lived on a farm a little ways away. Another was a small gray mouse, known to be Jerry's nephew, Nibbles. There was also Spike and Tyke, but you didn't know if they would be very happy to see the mouse. Finally, you learned about a lion, whom had escaped the circus thanks to the mouse. Of course, the lion had left on a ship to Africa, so talking to him may be a stretch or a last resort.

You decided that the first place to go would be to find Nibbles. He would probably be the closest and best way to help with Jerry's amnesia. While you were certain that the little mouse had to be in the city, you had no idea where he would be. Jerry wouldn't be much help to you, so you were left without a clue. It seemed like you would need to leave the safety of the rodent hospital and into the streets, filled with ferocious felines and fiends of other species. You felt a shiver of fear crawl up your spine; you weren't too thrilled about walking through the city streets. Then again, you had been bored out of your mind, and an adventure would definitely hit the spot.

With a bag of medical supplies slung around your shoulders, you walked to Jerry's hospital room. Did you feel confident about letting the injured mouse come with you into the dangerous outside world? Nope, not at all, but it had to be done. Perhaps there would be places along the way that would spark a memory in the famous rodent. Besides, he was perfectly fine except for a bruised head and a case of amnesia. In fact, he was probably more physically capable of handling himself than you.

Jerry was sitting up in his bed, reading some of the cards he had received from fans and far away family. One of the problems of being a mouse: it was very hard to travel. Nonetheless, you walked up to the mouse with a kind smile.

"You seem much better today, Jerry. How are you feeling?" you asked.

Jerry, as quiet as ever, nodded his head with a smile. You took it as a "I'm fine."

"That's good to hear. Anyways, I think I know how we can get your memories back."

The brown mouse looked at you with confusion, but at the same time, he was intrigued to know what you were planning.

"Do you recall anything about your little nephew, Nibbles?" you asked, hoping for something to spark in his mind.

Sadly, the mouse only scratched his head with a small frown before shaking his head.

You sighed before saying, "He lives somewhere in the city, but I have no idea where. I'm sure he can help you, but no way would the little guy be able to walk by himself in the city; it's too dangerous. That's why I think we should go out and try to find him."

Jerry seemed to be thinking, probably trying to think about the plan you had. While he was risking his life, it was probably the only way to help him with his memories. Besides, he had you to watch his back, and you had him to watch yours. With a determined nod of the head, Jerry agreed with the plan. Swinging his legs off the side of the hospital bed, Jerry began to stand up. At first, he was a little unstable, but after a few cautious steps and with you to hold him steady, the mouse got the hang of you. Now, the two of you were ready to begin your journey!!

Amnesia Jerry The Mouse x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now