Ian Eastwood: Jealousy- Casey

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The music was blasting, food and drinks going around, club scene was live. I was at a party that Brian Pupos was hosting with Andrew Garcia. All of mos wanted was there...oh yea, I happen to be best friends with the crew of Mos Wanted.

I had originally met Ian first though, he was the one that introduced me to the rest of the crew. Ian and I had always had a good friendship, known him for about 3yrs. We were never more than friends. I honestly couldn't tell if he liked me or not.

I was in my little black dress and heels, looking good as ever. I danced around with some of my other girlfriends who I brought along with me for the night. From the side of my eye, I can see Ian taking small glances at me as he sipped his drink.

I kept dancing, aware that Ian was watching. This incredibly cute guy walked up to me, lightly taking me by my hips, he pulled me closer, leaning in. "Mind if I dance with you?" He asked. 

Noticing it was my old friend James, I gasped "James? oh my god I haven'" seen you in forever!" I smiled as he chuckled. "haha, I know, it's been way too long, how are you?". "I'm good, just having fun...can you dance?"

I looked at him as he gave me a strange look. "can I dance? Hell yea I got some smooth moves" He began to dance to the beat of the music, pretty well too. Not like Ian's level but he was good. We laughed as he started getting silly with his movements.

The music slowed down and he pulled me in close. "You look gorgeous tonight Casey"

I blushed, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Thank you haha". We swayed slowly to the music. "Tell me, are you here alone?" He asked

"She's here with me, now if you excuse us, we have to go now. cmon Casey" Ian took my right arm roughly, pulling us away. 

"Whoa Ian, relax, I don't want to leave yet." I yanked my arm from his grip as his eyes darkened. "Yes you do, now come" He grabbed my hand again when James jumped in.

"Hey, if she wants to stay, let her stay. Leave her alone." James stepped up to Ian, looking him dead in the eyes.

"Don't tell me what to do, she and I have to have a little talk, now get out of my face." Ian spat.

I pulled James back, before one of them swung a fist. "Ian what the fuck is your problem?" I countered. "I'll tell you when we get outside, now please, let's just go."

I looked at James apologetically. "I'm sorry, I have to go. Nice seeing you again. We'll catch up later okay?". James nodded and I gave him a small hug.

I followed Ian outside to his car. "Okay Ian, now tell me what the hell is going on". He turned around to me quickly. "You just let some random dude dance with you and flirt with you." he said angrily, pointing to the club.

"He's not some random dude, his name is James..that's why you're so angry?" I crossed my arms, looking to decode his actions.

"He didn't have to be all on top of you, grinding on you and everything" I cocked up an eyebrow. "Why do you care if he was? I can do what I want"

"Yea well, he was too close to you" I looked at him strangely. "It's a club, that's what people do, you're over-reacting" 

"I'm just looking out for you, I don't want anything to happen to you" 

"I don't need you to do that....unless.."

"Unless what?" he took a small step towards me, raising an eyebrow. "You're jealous" I smirked. "No, I'm just making sure you don't get hurt"

"mhmm, that's why you had to drag me out of the club..you really want me to believe that?" I sauntered over to him, crossing my arms.

"Yes, it's the truth" He looked down at me, licking over his lips. His eyes were softer, hair styled perfectly with that small curl to his hair. He looked like he was trying to come up with more excuses.

"I think the truth is that you're just jealous." I looked straight into his eyes, my hand wandering from his shoulder down to his stomach. I wanted to get him to admit it.

"Admit it. You're jealous and you like me" I bit on my lip playfully,his arm wrapped around my waist , pulling my to him and his lips came down on mine.

Our lips met ad re-met before puling back. "I don't like you...I love you Casey" He whispered onto my lips. I smiled, leaning up to kiss him again. His soft lips came over mine and his hands gripped my waist.

"All you had to do was tell me the truth" I whispered. He nodded, stoking my cheek gently with his thumb. He leaned down, kissing me deeply and my hands snaked up to his hair. His hands gripped my ass, making me moan into his mouth.

He grabbed my thighs, lifting me up on the door of his car, my legs wrapped around him, my skirt starting to rise. He kissed down my jaw to my neck, sucking and biting gently.

"Mmm Ian" I moaned out. He looked back up at me, running his fingers through my hair. "Come, let's find somewhere more...private". He gently let me down and we got into the car. 

We began to head back to the hotel, but we were too much of a horny mess to wait. Ian pulled over to a small secluded area just off the highway.

Ian pulled me on top of him. I straddled him as his hands traveled up and down the length of my body. He continued to leave kisses down my chest while his right hand unzipped the back of my dress, letting it fall down to my waist.

In a single swift move, he pulled us to the back, my dress left in the front seat. I sat on top of him, removing his shirt quickly, watching him chuckle. "You should've told me you wanted to fuck me" He smirked, smacking my ass. 

My fingers grazed his chest lightly, my hair falling to the right as I leaned down to kiss him again. "Shut up, you want me just as bad"

"I bet you're not thinking about that James dude now are you?" he questioned. "You got so jealous...it's quite sexy though"

"Yea well, I didn't want him taking away my gorgeous girl away from me"

I blushed as his hands held my waist tightly and he kissed me. He sat up and pushed me down onto my back so he was on top. He massaged my breast, kissing down my stomach and stopped just above my panties.

He pulled back, removing his pants and underwear. He licked me through my panties before removing my panties and placing his tongue inside my, making me gasp and thrust my hips towards him.

He moved back to up to my neck and shoved his full length into me forcefully, making us both groan. I felt his moans vibrate onto my neck as he left wet, sloppy kisses down my neck.

I kept up with his fast pace, my legs wrapped around him, his hand on my waist and one on my thigh. He hit my spot and made me yell out his name.

My body quivered under his as I felt myself get close to the edge. His breath became shortened as he got closer as well. He pulled out and placed himself back into me, creating a new wave of pleasure that brought me over the edge with a couple more fast thrusts.

My body arched into his, meeting his warm sweaty skin as I released, feeling his lips on my breast as he continued to thrust slowly. He finally pulled out and released himself, moaning.

We each took deep breaths, I pulled him on top of me once again to meet his plump lips on mine. Ian panted in between the kiss which made me laugh. He placed his hand on my cheek again, looking into my eyes. "I told you, I love you Casey" He pecked my lips.

"I love you too Ian..so much". He kissed my cheek and laid his head on my chest, my hand gently stroked his hair as we waited to regain normal breathing.

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