Ian Eastwood: Ballerina Beauty- Anon

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I finished lacing up my new shoes, only 2 days old and ready to be worn on the dance floor. Standing up, I walked to the stereo, setting my ipod on shuffle for my dance playlist.

I began my warm up, setting my leg up on the balance beam near the mirror. I did the simple stretches, along with plea's and some spins. I balanced my breathing and began to focus on the music in the background, feeling the music and starting a fresh routine to clear my mind. 

No one knew that I danced ballet, or I had such a passion, it was something I wanted to keep to myself for a bit.

This was how I spent my Saturday Mornings. I enjoyed being alone in the studio, it was my place of peace and it was the only place I could really relax and wind down after a busy week.

Dance was my escape, it was where I fit in, my passion. I was dancer, that is what I love to do, I'm best at ballet, but I don't mind trying new things, sorta like hip-hop... 

This dancer, I believe his name was Ian Eastwood, pretty well known in the dancer world. He was coming to teach class for the next two weeks, so I valued any extra time I would be able to spend alone. But maybe I could catch a class taught by him.

I had watched a couple of his videos, seen his choreography and started to adore his work, his movements, and well, he is very attractive. But, what would he want to do with some regular ballet dancer, I wasn't anyone special. Even if I did take a class, it was purely for the experience and fun, try new things, right? At least, that's what I tried to tell myself.

~Monday Afternoon~

I finally decided to sign up for one of his classes at 5:30pm. It was quite late and I arrived to see abut 10 new students at the studio. I had on a pair of comfortable grey sweats and a t-shirt. I didn't want to look over dressed nor too dressed down. 

I chose a spot near the mirrors to put my things down, grabbing my cloth and water bottle, my ballet slippers still tucked into the corner of my bag. I started some of my own stretches. Seeing some more people start to walk in, I felt my heart beat a little faster. 

I had taken a couple of hip-hop classes before, but Ian's style was much different, but his movements were just as delicate as a ballet dancer moves. I turned my head in time to see Ian walk through the door  with his duffle bag. Wearing a black cap that read "Young Lions" in gold, Navy sweat pants and black t-shirt that read " W.O.D" (World of Dance Logo).

He smiled at his class, dropping his bag by the front of the room. He placed his ipod on the stereo next to his bag before turning to face the class. "Hey guys, I'm glad all of you came today, so first of all, thank you for coming!" He began. "Alright, so first we're going to do some basic warm ups before we start."

He lead us through 10 minutes of warm ups, I stood in the "second" row of people, not wanting to be too close to him, but I never liked being in the back either. "Okay, so today we will start with my piece "Clarity". I'll show you the full version and we'll go step by step through the first half, sound good?" He smiled and the class answered with an excited "Yes".

Clarity? hmm I believe I saw a recent video of him teaching it. Ian walked over to his ipod, taking his hat off and had started the song, which helped jog my memory of this piece. We all sat down and watched him. He moved smoothly, his long legs and arms, translating into words and images. 

He moved fluidly, his dancing was beautiful, I would sometimes look into his eyes, he was so in the moment, in the music and rhythm. I was ready to learn from him.

~1 hr. Later~

We had learned the first half of the dance and we were put into separate groups to perform the dance, I made it to the select group, with 3 other students. I felt a little self conscious, knowing his eyes were on me, so I made sure I didn't screw up.

At the end of the class, we all sat down and cooled off watching him perform the full piece again. We applauded when he finished. "Thank you guys so much, I hope I see you again on Wednesday!" He was slightly out of breath and offered to take pictures.

Nervously, I walked up to him, seeing him laugh with another girl. "Hey, you want a picture?" as asked. "Yea, I'd love that" I replied

I gave him my phone and we took a couple of pictures. He returned my phone, but not without mentioning my dancing. "You're pretty good. Are you gonna come back on Wednesday? I'd love to see you again." He smiled, winking at me. 

My cheeks began to heat up, I held in a small giggle, I smiled back, "Yea, I definitely will come back."

"Oh, and what's you're name?"

"I'm Chelsea"

"Well, Chelsea, maybe one day we could hang out, outside of the studio, if you'd like." I began to feel butterflies, Ian Eastwood was being extremely sweet. "Sure, I'd love that. Uhm I guess I'll see you on Wednesday then?" I started to walk away and waved back at him, replaying everything in my head as I got home.

~Next Saturday~

Wednesday's class was just as fun as Monday, we started to learn the choreography for Berzerk, and Ian even gave me his number. I don't know why, but I guess he really saw something in me. He assumed I was a natural hip-hop dancer, when I'm really quite the opposite.

We had set to hang out this afternoon, meet at starbucks and just talk. I pinched myself to make sure this wasn't some intense dream, but it was definitely real.

I was in my usual studio, doing my set of routines, after a week of pretending to be a professional hip-hop dancer I returned to my place of serenity, relaxing one again into the music. from crescendos to the subtle ending of the song, I spun and came to an abrupt stop when I heard clapping.

Ian stood in the doorway with a wide smile spread across his face, clapping as he took a couple of steps towards me.

"Hmm, so hip-hop dancer during the week and ballerina by the weekend huh?" he questioned, looking at me from head to toe a I was dressed in my uniform. 

"Ian...I-uh, yea I guess. Why are you here so early?" I stammered, playing with my fingers, I stared hesitantly around the room to avoid his eyes.

"Like you, came to just relax, maybe choreograph. I just love the calmness of a studio..You're a very beautiful dancer" He reached my chin and tilted my head up to look into his brown eyes. He was perfect, pink lips, great hair, talented and sweet.

I felt the heat rise up into my cheeks once again. "Thank you, that means a lot" I smiled as his hand fell from my cheek to my hand, grazing it softly.

"Let's make a deal, I'll teach you another routine, alone, but you'll have to do the dance with me in front of the class when I teach it"

My jaw dropped a bit before I quickly closed my mouth. "You wanna dance..with me? really?" I was sorta shocked. No one ever really asked me to dance with them. 

"Yea really, You're really good, I think you'll like the piece. Hey, maybe you can teach me some of you ballerina moves" He playfully winked at me.

I let out a small giggle. "Well okay, fine, you got a deal.

 I raised my hands up in surrender. "Cool, let me go grab my bag from the car. I'll be right back." He started to turn around. 

"Wait what is the piece called?" I quickly asked. He smiled and leaned in close, he replied "Half A Heart" before pressing his lips on my cheek quickly and then sow jogging out of the room.

I bit the bottom of my lip, smiling like an idiot to myself. Still unsure of this reality. 

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