Brian Puspos: Let My Love Adorn You- Sara

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-Brian's P.O.V-

I haven't seen Sara in a month. I was away teaching classes in the Philippines, could I be further away from the girl I loved? Our 1yr. anniversary was on the 15th of April and I was supposed to be teaching until the 24th. Or so I thought. They had cut back some classes and I was able to leave on The 13th.

I loved Sara, she was special, the only girl who could stand through all the bullshit with me and understood that my career required a lot of traveling. She knew it was going to be hard and she stayed anyway, when most girls just leave the first month.

Sara couldn't come with me since she was still doing her school work, so she didn't know I was coming earlier than expected.

I called up her best friend Lily and told her I was coming early. I had her help me plan a surprise for my amazing girlfriend.

Instead of going to our apartment I stayed at a motel. I asked Lily to keep Sara out of the house that night, to keep her busy.

I bought candles, ordered a dozen red roses and 2 white roses in the middle, I also got an additional 6 roses to use their petals.

The day of our anniversary I sent a quick text saying "happy anniversary, miss u xoxo"

I headed over to our place that night. I made sure that Lily would have her back by at least 7:30pm.

I ordered Sara's favorite meal from our restaurant in LA. It was a fancy dish I had to pre-order, they made it special just for me. I had a trail of petals leading to a table I set up in the middle of the living room where a candelabra of candles will be lit.

I also had a trail of petals leading to the bedroom, writing the words "I love you" in the middle of the floor. This had to be special for my babygirl. I put on my best suit and waited for the door to unlock.


-Sara's P.O.V-

It was Brian and I's one year anniversary and he was in come other country. I missed him terribly.

I got a phone call from my best friend Lily.

Lily: Hey girl! what's up?

Me: Hey..nothing just -sigh- sitting here

Lily: wow that sounds so fun, why don't you come out with me, we can go shopping or something?

Me: Thanks but..I don't know its our 1 year anniversary and everything..

Lily: Then come with me, help you get your mind off it, pleasee?

Me: ah alright, meet you by your door.

Lily: YAY! I'll be ready in 5.

And with that I hung up, going over to my best friends house.

We had gone shopping and I actually had a lot of fun with Lily, it did help get my mind off of Brian, but not for long. I still missed him like crazy. 

I checked my phone to see a happy anniversary text from Brian..Wow, just a text..How romantic of him, not even a call. I sighed deeply, my smile gone.

Lily looked at me with worry. "Aw, I'm sorry Sara. You want to go home now?". "Yea, I do..I'm sorry I just really wish Brian was here..." Lily hugged me as we started to head home.

It was around 7:30pm and Lily kept me out for a while. I was tired and hungry, realizing I hadn't eaten.

I unlocked the door and gasped. Inside I saw a trail of rose petals, leading strait to the guy I loved. He had a suit on, hair just right, and a smile across his beautiful lips. I dropped my bag and ran to him. 

"BRIAN OH MY GOD. I practically jumped on him, wrapping my legs around him as his arms held me tight. He slowly put me down and lifted my chin, leaning forward and placing his lips on mine.

He kissed me sweetly, hand supporting my cheek and my arms around his neck. "Happy anniversary Sara" he whispered to me. I looked at him with adoring eyes, he was really here with me, right now.

"Happy anniversary..oh my gosh Brian how are you here right now?" I was so happy he was here, didn't matter how but I did wonder.

"The class schedule was a little shorter than expected. I had Lily take you out so I could set this up for you. You didn't think I would miss our anniversary did you? I love you so much Sara, you're my one and only and I hope we have many more years together." He said, holding me close to him.

I blushed, my cheeks beginning to heat up and an insane number of butterflies in my stomach. He really was perfect. I kissed him again.

"Oh, and for dinner we have your favorite Steak dish, from our restaurant", he lifted up the lids off the dinner plates and revealed the food.

"Brian, I love you so much, this is amazing". We sat down and began to eat.

Brian filled our glasses with red wine and we made a toast. "To many more years with the love of my life." he said, a beautiful sparkle in his eyes. We clinked our glasses together and drank our wine.

Brian got up and took my hand, leading me to our bedroom. He held me close and we swayed to no music. He stood back and dug his right hand into his pocket. He pulled out a black velvet box.

He opened it and revealed a beautiful silver ring with a pink heart shaped diamond in the middle as well as a necklace with a heart shaped pendant, inscribed were the words "Sara, I love you -Brian"

I gasped at the beautiful jewelry. "Brian, I-", I looked up at him, his face lit up. "Sara, this is a promise ring, you mean the world to me, you're the only girl who has been through everything with me, no matter what." He slipped the ring on my finger and put the necklace on me. 

"It's so beautiful, Thank you so much Brian, I love it. I love you". I leaned in to kiss him again.

"I love you Sara" he said, holding me close to his chest. My heart fluttered as I was with the man I loved most.

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