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I walked through the hallways with one thing on my mind-- finding Stiles. My dog somehow got out last night while I was sleeping and I can't find him anywhere. Though usually I could probably catch his scent to find him, by the time I woke up his scent was already carried away by the wind. Too late even for my supernatural senses to find. So, I figured Stiles could help me find him after school today.

"Stiles!" I yelled as I spotted his messy hair. He turned around and smiled at me. Scott was standing next to him.

"Hey, Malia." He replied.

"Hi, Malia." Scott smiled at me. I smiled back.

I waved back at Scott, and then turned to Stiles. "Laila went missing. Can you help me find her after school?" I gave him my puppy dog eyes.

"Sorry, babe-- I can't, I have to go to work right after school today." He frowned and patted my head.

"Again?" Ever since he started working at the police station with his dad he's had no time to hang out with the pack. He nodded, and then checked the time on his phone.

"Shit-- I'm running late. Bye, Babe." He kissed the top of my head and then ran off.

"Hey, I'll help you find your dog." Scott said. I smiled at him.

"This is why we're best friends man. Let's go!" I grabbed his arm and pulled him behind me as I ran to the parking lot. When we reached the blacktop I realized something. "Hey, I don't have a car."

Scott laughed. "I know, I figured we were going to ride around your neighborhood on my motorcycle." He must've seen the apprehensive look in my eyes.

"You're afraid of riding a motorcycle?" He sounded shocked.

"Hey, I never said that." Though I was, I wasn't too keen on riding in cars or anything like cars considering that one time the car my family was in crashed because the Desert Wolf stood in our way. Oh yeah, and then I transformed into a coyote and ate them.

"I can hear your heart beat, Malia. Come on, there's nothing to be afraid of. I won't crash-- I'm an alpha werewolf with supernatural senses. Even if we do somehow crash, you'll heal." He tried reassuring me.

"I'm not afraid that I'll get hurt, Scott. It's you. Remember the last time I got in a car crash?" I answered.

"Malia, you won't hurt me. I heal too, remember?" He smiled. Alright, that wasn't too reassuring but I trusted him.

"Okay, let's go. I need to find Laila anyways." I smiled at him trying to reassure him that I was fine. We hopped onto the bike and we drove off towards my neighborhood, my claws threatening to tear through his jacket because I was clutching it so tightly.

AN: How do you guys like the story so far? I'm going to finish this story no matter what. If I don't update for a few days just spam the comments telling me to update so that I'll feel guilty about not updating and write a chapter or two lmao

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