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It had been a few days since I learned that Stiles was cheating on me with my former best friend and I was still very angry about it. I tried my best to forgive them since they were in my pack and all but... It wasn't working very well. My phone buzzed and I looked at my screen to see that Stiles had texted me yet again.

Stiles: Malia please answer me
Stiles: I'm so sorry

I tried my best not to crush my phone inside of my hand.

Malia: Well, maybe you shouldn't have slept with my best friend.

I threw my phone onto my bed. If I was going to fix my relationship with anyone it would be Lydia-- even though her betrayal stung worse than Stiles'. I missed talking to her, even though I wanted to rip her throat out right now. I had been mostly hanging out with Scott, which wasn't the best idea since I used to be in love with him. I couldn't have feelings for him again because it would be a betrayal to Lydia (ironic I know). I couldn't do that to her even if she did so much worse to me. As I was laying on my bed I heard a knock at the door. I groaned and dragged my body to the door. As I walked towards it I saw Scott through the window. I quickly opened the door. "Hey."

"Malia! How's my favorite person in the world?" Scott asked smiling when he saw me.

"What's got you so happy?" I responded, trying to change the subject so he wouldn't notice my blushing.

"The dance is in a few days." He replied. Shit. I forgot about the dance.

"Oh, I probably won't go." I responded.

"C'mon, Mal. You were supposed to be my platonic date." He pleaded. Well, that's more of a reason not to go, I can't risk getting feelings for him because he's Lydia's ex. He must've seen my wary expression because he walked closer to me and put a hand on my shoulder. "What if I told you that you're the only one I had left?"

I can't believe he's trying to guilt trip me into saying yes by saying almost the exact same thing that I said to him when he helped me find Laila. I could feel his hand on my shoulder and it made my heart speed up. "Okay." I sighed. "Alright, I'll go."

He smiled at my and pulled me into a quick hug with made my cheeks turn red. Goddamnit. He could probably hear my heartbeat right now. I pulled myself out of his embrace and smiled at him. "Alright, I'll pick out my dress later today and I'll send you a photo so it can match your tie."

"You're the best, Malia. Love you." He grinned at me. My heart skipped a beat even though I knew he meant it platonically.

"Go home, Scott." I smiled and waved him goodbye. He waved to me too and jogged off towards his bike. As soon as he was gone I went back inside and threw myself onto my couch. I was scolding myself in my head.

How could I let this happen? Even if I hate Lydia right now, he's still her ex.

I couldn't believe that I fell back in love with Scott McCall.

AN: so Malia finally admitted to herself that she still has feelings for him. Things are about to go down next chapter I already have it planned out, I'll be updating later today :)

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