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^^^That's Malia in her dress-- it was originally a white dress but I tried to make it look red lmao

The whole drive to her house I was silent. At least I was too distracted by my thoughts to be scared of driving in her car. I didn't talk until we were at Lydia's house and she started doing my hair (she begged me to let her do it yesterday when we were shopping).

"Alright, Malia. What's up with you?" She said. I sighed. I should just tell her.

"Okay-- so I might've been lying yesterday when I said I didn't have a thing for Scott." I answered. She screeched.

"Oh my god! Yes! You guys are my OTP!" She grinned. "So what happened yesterday?" I filled her in on everything that happened, by the time I finished she was almost done with my hair.

"Okay, so let my get this straight: he got close to you every chance he got, he called you hot, you slept in the same bed and when you woke up he was cuddling you and then suggested to keep cuddling, Stiles called and said that Scott was in love with you--- what's bad about that?"  Lydia was bursting with joy.

"You forgot a key part of the story-- he's not in love with me. He's in love with someone else. He could never be in love with me." I explained. She snorted.

"He's obviously lying. Trust me on this, it's you. I don't know why you think it's somebody else." She told me. I didn't believe that.

"What about you and Stiles? When is he coming to pick you up?" I needed to change the subject. She smiled.

"The same time Scott is going to pick you up-- its gonna be like a double date." She answered. Yeah, but I'm not the one Scott's in love with.

After a few hours Lydia finished both my look and hers. I couldn't lie, she was really good at doing hair and makeup. She picked out a green dress that really brought out her eyes. She was stunning. "You look great Lyds, Stiles will love it." I smiled at her. She smiled at me.

"Thanks, you look stunning, Malia. Scott will love that." She winked. "I'm more excited for you and Scott to go to the dance together than I am for Stiles. and I to go to the dance."

"Thanks." I laughed. I was so nervous for the dance. I didn't want to be there when Scott asked out that girl-- whoever it was. I was hoping he'd get it out of the way as soon as he got there so I could sit alone at a table and eat the rest of the night. "When are they going to be here?" I asked.

She picked up her phone to check the time. "Uh, any minute now." As soon as she said that I heard a car pulling up.

"They're here. I can hear their car... let's go." I reluctantly walked down the stairs. Deep breaths, Malia. These heels were making it hard to walk, which just added on to the dread that I already had for tonight.

As soon as Lydia and I stepped outside Scott and Stiles had already started walking toward the door. "Malia... You look gorgeous-- I mean you always look gorgeous but you look especially gorgeous tonight." Scott cut himself off from saying anything more and ran a hand through his hair. I was blushing.

"Thank you. You look amazing, too." It was true-- he was wearing all black, which he actually looked really good in.

"Thanks... I figured you were going to get me a red boutonnière so I thought it would look nice together. Oh!" He looked down to his hand which was holding a box. "I um you a corsage." He opened the box he was holding and picked up the flower. "Here." He gently slipped it on my wrist. I looked up at him and smiled.

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