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Light from the window beamed onto my eyelids. I slowly flickered my eyes open, I could tell that Scott was waking up too because the sound of his heart rate was speeding up. Why was it so loud? When my eyes were all the way open I realized that Scott's arm was wrapped around me and my head was on his chest. So that's why his heart seemed so loud.

"Scott." I asked him, my eyes were wide open now. I could tell he was just as embarrassed as I was because his heart was pounding.

"Yes?" He answered.

"Why are you cuddling me?" I asked him. He hesitated for a moment.

"Why is your head on my chest?" He asked me. This was a very awkward conversation to be having with someone who had no idea that I was in love with him.

"I don't know." I answered, his heart wasn't slowing down at all.

"This is actually a really comfortable way to sleep." He laughed. I laughed with him, at least he was finding humor in this.

"Yeah, should we get up now? And, uh... Untangle ourselves." I asked him. He considered this for a moment.

"Five more minutes. This was the best sleep I've had in months." He squeezed me tighter into his chest. What the fuck is happening? I can't believe he wants to keep cuddling me. Is this something that friends do that I've just never done before? My heart was pounding. What if he feels the same about me like I do for him?

"Your heart is pounding like crazy. Do you want to get up? Is this weird for you-- I'm sorry." He started to get up but I stopped him.

"No-- I like cuddling." I nuzzled into his chest. He wrapped his arms back around me. This was really weird, but I wasn't complaining. After a minute or two of this someone came into the room. It was Scott's mother. We both froze in place.

"Tonight's the big dance Scott! Are you going to tell her--" his mom stopped when she saw that he wasn't alone. She grinned. "Are you two together now? I've always liked you Malia. Scott talks about you so mu--"

"Mom!" His heart was pounding. "We aren't together... We just both think cuddling is the best way to sleep." The sound of his heart pounding was starting to give me a headache so I began to untangle myself from him.

"Oh. Well... Malia you're still my favorite." She shrugged and walked out of the room. What was his mom saying earlier? He was going to tell someone something tonight at the dance? After a few moments of silence, he broke the ice.

"I'm sorry about that." He ran his hand though his hair. "Uh... Cuddling was fun. We should do it again sometime." He laughed. I laughed with him.

"Yeah, I only got up because your heart beat was so loud that it was giving me a headache." I laughed.

"Oh-- you want to talk about who's heart beat is loud? Every five minutes yours is pounding like a drum." He joked. I laughed with him but on the inside I was mortified, he heard it every time.

"See? It's happening again." He sat up which made me want to sit up too. "Why is that? Why does that happen so much?"

I couldn't lie because he'd be able to tell. I'm no good at lying anyways. I should just tell him. But what about Lydia? He's her ex. What if he doesn't feel the same way about me and never talks to me again? "Malia?"

"Because... I..." Like you. I like you a lot. I couldn't bring myself to say it. My heart was pounding like crazy, which I knew he heard.

My Best Friend's Ex Boyfriendحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن