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After what felt like an eternity of driving I finally felt the motorcycle slow down. I lifted my head up and opened my eyes to see that we stopped-- and that I dug holes into Scott's jacket. "Oh. Sorry, Scott."

"It's cool." He laughed.

"Hey, why did we stop? Aren't we going to look for Laila?" I asked. He got off the bike and turned towards me.

"Yeah, but I kind of figured you would want to do it on foot." He shrugged. I nodded, suddenly understanding. I got up off the motorcycle, which was parked in my drive way, and we set off to go find Laila.

After about fifteen minutes of calling Laila with no luck, I thought I'd strike up conversation with Scott. "Thanks for coming, you're the only one I had left. To find my dog that is." I said.

"No problem, Malia. We're a pack." He smiled at me.

"So, how are things with Lydia going?" I asked him. Lydia and him had been dating for three months now, it was really unexpected considering they had never showed any romantic interest in one another until they started dating.

"Uh... Okay. She's been pretty distant lately. I don't know why." He replied, still searching for Laila.

"Really? She's being like that with me too. I'll talk to her about it later and see what's up." I promised him.

"You know-- oh my god, Malia, look." He lost his train of thought as he pointed at something. I followed his gaze and saw Laila about five feet away from us. He quickly scooped her up and held her in his arms.

"Oh, my god! Scott you're the best!" I quickly gave both Scott and Laila a hug. I felt Scott stiffen underneath my embrace but he quickly hugged me back. I felt my heart rate speed up a little bit but tried to calm myself down before he noticed and unlatched myself from him. I used to have a huge thing for him a few months back, and I thought he had a thing for me, but then he started dating Lydia. So, as any other good friend would do, I forced myself to stop liking him and in that process I fell for Stiles. Every so often though I find myself staring at him for a second too long or feel my heart rate speed up when I'm around him so I just scold myself and think of Stiles and it stops. I'm in love with Stiles, not Scott.

"Thank you, Scott. Couldn't have done it without you man." I winked at him (platonically) and laughed, grabbing Laila from him.

"That's what friends are for." He winked back. "We should probably head back to your house. I have to be at work soon." He said.

"Right. Let's go." When we got back to my house Scott walked me up to the door.

"Alright. I gotta run. If you see Lydia try to find out why she's acting so weird." Scott said.

"Alright. See you tomorrow, Scott." I waved goodbye and walked back into my house. I grabbed my phone and dialed Lydia's number. The phone rang about three times before Lydia picked it up. "Hey Malia, what's shaking?"

"Hey, Lydia. Wanna hang out, we haven't hung out with just us in so long." I balanced the phone on my shoulder as I was still carrying Laila.

"Sure, come on over to my house, you can spend the night." Lydia replied.

"Okey dokey, see you in 20."

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