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"What? What does this have to do with where we're going?" I asked him as he dragged me along.

"She's with him right now." He answered.

"How do you know that?" I asked him. How did he all of a sudden know about everything that was going on? He stopped in his tracks.

"Trust me, I just know. We used to meet up at lunch to make out and stuff." He shrugged.

"Okay, wow. Didn't need to know that. But how do you know she does the same thing with this other guy?"

"Because she wasn't eating lunch with us." He replied.

"Alright, well she could be--" I began to say.

"Just trust me on this. I know Lydia Martin." He interrupted. He began walk away again so I reluctantly followed. I didn't know if I wanted to know who she was cheating with anymore. This was none of my business. After a few more moments of walking we seemed to finally reach our destination.

"Really? The janitors closet? How cliche." I whispered to him.

"Okay, I really don't think this is the time to judge me." He whispered back.

"Right, sorry. Are you sure that they're in there?" I whispered back. But I already knew the answer I could hear two heartbeats coming from the closet.

He must've known that I already knew because he opened the door. I saw Lydia jump back from kissing someone. After she caught her breath a little bit she looked to see who opened the door and her eyes widened. My eyes wandered over to the guy she was just kissing. No.

"Stiles? What the fuck?" There he was standing next to Lydia, all wide-eyed.

"Malia. Shit." He began to say some other things, probably to explain himself. But I couldn't hear him. I needed to leave. I wanted to slap him but I knew that if I did anything like that that I would lose control and turn. I could already feel my claws coming out. I began to back away slowly and then I started to run.

"Malia!" Scott yelled after me but I kept running. I should've known. Am I really so blind? I felt tears well up in my eyes. No, I won't cry over Stiles. I tried to throw all of the blame on him though I knew that someone else deserved blame too. But I couldn't be as mad at Lydia because she is-- was my best friend. How could the person I trusted with my life do this to me?
               •.     •.       •.        •.    
After a while of running I stopped and looked at my surroundings. I was in the middle of the forest. I guess my subconscious was guiding me to somewhere safe in case I turned. But now I was lost. In the forest. And it was going to be dark soon. Great. I guess there was only one option left if I wanted to get back home before night time. I reluctantly opened up my phone and saw that I had 5 missed calls. All from Scott. I dialed Scott's number and waited until he picked up his phone, expecting it to be a few rings before he picked up, but he answered on the first ring.

"Malia? Oh, God. Tell me you're okay." He sounded anxious.

"I'm okay, Scott, really. Are you okay because you sound a little anxious?" I asked him. He sighed and I could tell he was more relaxed.

"I was worried about you. You didn't answer your phone when I called. I thought you died or something." He answered.

"No, I'm fine. I'm just lost. I'm in the middle of the woods." I lived in these woods for years, how am I lost right now?

"Alright, I'll come and pick you up. When I get there I'll call you so that I can try and find you by your voice." He answered. I was relieved. I really didn't want to spend another night in here.

"Thank you, Scott. What would I do without you?" I smiled even though I knew he couldn't see it.

"You'd still be a coyote." He laughed. "Alright I'm on my way. I'll call you when I get there." He responded. I felt like a weight was lifted off of my chest, I wasn't going to be lost for long.

"Bye, thanks again Scott." I was still smiling when I hung up the phone. Scott really was my best friend in the entire world. The one person I could count on.

After what felt like eighty years my phone rang, I answered it so quickly I almost dropped it. "Scott?"

"I'm here. Just keep talking to me so I can try to find you." Scott said.

"Thank you. So, how are things?" My lame attempt at conversation. He snorted.

"I mean my girlfriend was cheating on me... So pretty good." He laughed.

"Shit, sorry." I laughed. "Well, now we can form a club."

"A 'My Ex Was Cheating On Me' club. Wow, that sounds really fun, Malia." He answered me. It was so refreshing to be laughing with him after what happened today.

"I'm not even sad, I'm just... Very angry." I sighed into the phone. He paused for a moment before responding.

"I'm not really feeling anything, don't get me wrong I'm mad, but I'm not angry, you know? I didn't have feelings for her anymore but I still feel... Betrayed." He answered. I felt my throat tighten the more I thought about it.

"How could they do this to us?" I didn't even notice that I was crying until I started to speak.

"Hey, the good news is that you don't have to go to the dance with that douchebag. You got me." He tried to change the subject.

"Don't call him that, you're best friends." I told him. I heard him sigh into the receiver.

"Well... We aren't right now. Hey-- look to your right." I did as he said and far into the distance-- farther than human eyes could see-- was Scott. I jumped up from the log I had been sitting on and began to run towards him, once he saw me running he started to run too.

As soon as he was in arms distance he wrapped his arms around me. "It's okay, Malia. You don't need him. He doesn't deserve you." He was right, but I wasn't crying over Stiles. I was crying because Scott didn't deserve any of this. I squeezed him tighter and thought of all the pain he must've been in that he wasn't telling anyone about. No, I wasn't crying over Stiles. I was crying over Scott.

(AN) I'm such Scalia trash

My Best Friend's Ex BoyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now