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Walking alone with Scott was torture at its finest. The whole time I had to try and make sure my heart rate wasn't speeding up so that he wouldn't suspect I had feelings for him. I shouldn't have feelings for him-- he'd never respond to them anyways.

"So, why did Stiles tackle you?" I asked. I had to know and I thought it would be better to make conversation on this walk to his house rather than just try not to stare at him the whole time. He looked at me with kind eyes.

"It's nothing." He replied.

"Stiles tackled you! What do you mean 'it's nothing'?" It had to be something terrible if he wasn't telling me. "You could've taken him, why did you let him beat you like that?"

"Sure, I would've won, but I also could have killed Stiles in the process. I heal-- he doesn't. It's better to lose sometimes." He shrugged.

"I wouldn't have had enough control to stop myself from fighting back." I looked away. Scott's hand brushed against mine as we were walking and my heart almost exploded out of my chest. I could feel Scott's eyes on me, he noticed how high my heart rate was.  Blushing, I avoided his eyes and reluctantly put my hands into my pocket so it wouldn't happen again.

"The dance is tomorrow night-- are you excited?" He asked me, grinning.

"What? I thought it was days from now." Only one night away from going to the dance with Scott. Though Lydia said she wanted us to get together I still could never date her ex so I was a little nervous for the dance. What if I accidentally made a move on him or something?

"Yep. Is that your dress?" He eyed the bag in my hand. I nodded at him. "What color is it?"

"Red." I said. He grinned even wider.

"Nice-- I already have a red tie. We can match." He said as we reached his house. He opened the door for me. "Ladies first."

I walked in and really looked at his house. I had been in it hundreds of times but I had never really looked at it.  "We've never hung out like this before."

"We should more often, you're one of my best friends, Mal." He took my bag and set it on his kitchen table. "So what do you want to do?"

"Want to watch a movie?" I really loved movies and it would distract me from Scott being here so maybe my heart could stop pounding a bit so he wouldn't notice again.

"Sure." He lead me into his living room and I sat onto his couch. "OOOH-- how about a scary movie? I love scary movies, though they don't really scare me anymore after everything we've faced."

"Sure-- I love scary movies." I answered.

"Here-- I'll bet you haven't seen this one." He popped a disk out of its case and shoved it into a player before sitting next to me.

About halfway through the movie I realized that Scott and I somehow got so close together that we were touching and my stupid heart jumped, betraying me. I was hoping he didn't notice.

"Wow, Mal, you're heart is beating really fast. Is this movie actually scaring you?" He laughed. Goddamnit.

"Uh-- yeah." I was glad to have an excuse. But what I wasn't anticipating was for him to move so that he was sitting even closer to me and throw an arm around me.

"C'mon, Mal we've literally killed things scarier than this." He gave me a squeeze. On the inside I felt like I was dying and being resurrected at the same time. Why did I have to be so hopelessly in love with Scott McCall? He removed his arm from me and went back to watching the movie. I liked watching him react to the movie more than the actual movie itself. His face scrunching up and his heart rate jumping when something scary happened, him squinting his eyes when he thought something was about to pop up.

My Best Friend's Ex BoyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now